Sputnik 1, launched on October 4, 1957, was the world\'s first artificial satellite. It had a mass of 83.6 kilograms. It was designed to determine the density of the upper atmosphere and return data about the Earth\'s ionosphere However, its two radio transmitters only returned signals to Earth for 21 days.
Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957, and carried aboard it a dog, Laika. This time the satellite weighed 508.3 kilograms. B ...
In March 1848 a Californian landowner first discovered gold in a stream. Before long the news of this discovery was sweeping through California. By the middle of the summer a gold rush had begun and by the spring of 1849 people from all over the world were rushing to California to look for gold. In 1848 its population was 15.000 people, by 1852 the population was more than 250.000. In the next twenty years gold discoveries attracted fortune-see ...
In 1862 (during the Civil War) Congress passed a law called the Homestead Act. The Homestead Act offered free farms in the West to families of settlers. Each homestead consisted of 160 acres of land and all the people had to do was to move onto a piece of public land, live on it for five years and the land became theirs.
To increase their profits transcontinental railroad companies were keen for people to begin farming this land so they adver ...
As I said, white people spread across the plains and mountains of the American West, where the Amerindians lived. The Amerindians saw that it was impossible to drive the newcomers away from their hunting grounds, so they made treaties with the government in Washington, giving up large pieces of their land for white farmers to settle upon. In return for such agreements the government promised to leave the Amerindians in peace on the lands that r ...
Without any doubt the industrial revolution is and was one of the most important parts of human history. It changed the life of nearly every human being on our whole planet and the results are so common for us that we don't even think about them in our daily lives.
Industrial changes:
The industrial revolution began at the 2nd half of the 18th century. There exists no uniformed theory how it came up. We can separate the industrial revolu ...
Short Introduction:
Ireland is small, independent country located in northwestern Europe. The country's official name is Ireland, but it is generally called the Republic of Ireland to distinguish it from Northern Ireland. Dublin is the capital and the largest city of Ireland. The country occupies about five sixth of the island in the British Isels. The remaining one-sixth of the Island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is part of th ...
The Events which took place during 1905 showed clearly the inability of the tsar to react to all the different forms of protest against the government and the existing political system in the appropriate way, maybe even more important, soon enough.
It became clear, that the old , traditional connections between the tsar and his (former) supporters, the peasants , which was characteristic for the rule of the tsar as "caring father" of all Rus ...
The first phase: The Indochina war
After the withdrawal of the Japanese troops in 1945 the "Democratic Republic of Vietnam" was founded on September the 2nd in Hanoi in the North.
Under the President Ho Chi Minh, founder and president of the communistic "League for the Independence of Vietnam", the so-called "Vietminh", the North wanted the full power over the whole country. "Ho Chi Minh" means "The Enlightened" or "The Ocean of Light". ...
Römischer Straßenbau
Von den Etruskern (indogerm. Volk; ~5.Jh. in Italien) übernommene Technik
Längste Straße: Via Appia ("regina viarum"= (lat.)Königin der Straßen); (erbaut: 300 v.Chr. von Appius Claudius)
zuerst wurden gepflasterte Straßen gebaut , dann Kiesstraßen, weil sie komfortabler zu befahren waren ...
Theseus war der Sohn von Aigeus, dem König von Athen, und von Aithra, der Tochter des Königs von Troizen.
Als Aigeus nach Troizen zu seinem Freund Pittheus kam, wurde er von diesem mit Wein betrunken gemacht und in diesem Zustand zeugte er mit Aithra, der Tochter des Königs Pittheus, Theseus. Aiegeus merkte bald, was geschehen war und kehrte nach Athen zurück. Bevor er jedoch aufbrach führte er Aithra zu einem großen Stein, unter dem er seine ...
Amerikanischer Erfinder und Ingenieur. T.A. Edison wurde am 11.2.1847 in Milan, Ohio, geboren und ist am 18.10.1931 in West Orange, New Jersey, gestorben. Er erfand 1876 das Kohlekörnrer Mikrophon, das noch heute verwendet wird. 1877 folgte die Erfindung des Phonographen, der der Vorläufer des Grammophons ist. 1879 erfand er die Kohlefadenlampe, auf die aber schon Heinrich Goebel seit 1854 das Patent hatte. Zeitgleich erfand er das Schraubeng ...
1.1 Das Leben Siddharta Gautamas
Prinz Siddharta lebte etwa 560-480 v, Chr. als Sohn eines indischen Königs. Bei seiner Geburt wurde ihm prophezeit, entweder ein religiöser Führer oder ein mächtiger Herrscher zu werden. Da sein Vater letzteres vorzog, schottete er seinen Sohn von der Außenwelt ab und dieser verließ bis zu seinem 29. Lebensjahr nicht den elterlichen Palast. Mit 29 Jahren jedoch wagte er drei Ausritte durch sein Land, auf denen ...
2.1. Die vier edlen Wahrheiten
Das wesentliche Element der Lehre Buddhas sind die sogenannten "vier edlen Wahrheiten", die besagen, woher das Leid kommt und wie man ihm entkommen und Glück erlangen kann.
Die Ursachen für Leid und Glück werden im Geist des Menschen gesehen. Deshalb ist das zentrale Element des Buddhismus die Schulung des Geistes.
Die vier edlen Wahrheiten sind:
Die edle Wahrheit vom Leid: Alle Erfahrungen von Glück blei ...
Nach dem sogenannten "Langen Marsch", zehntausend Kilometer durch China, nehmen die kommunistischen Rotchinesen 1949 unter Führung Mao Zedong Peking ein. Dieser ruft am 1. Oktober auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens die Volksrepublik China aus, deren Staatschef er auch wird. Erst "Amtshandlung" Zedongs ist die Exekution von etwa 800 000 "Konterrevolutionären". Als eines der obersten Ziele seiner "Regierung" nennt Mao die "Wiedereingliederung ...
2.1. Besetzung und Aufstand
1950 dringt die "Volksbefreiungsarmee" mit 30 000 Soldaten in Tibet ein. Einzelner tibetischer Wiederstand wird niedergeschlagen. Der Dalai Lama bittet die UNO um Hilfe, es sagt jedoch nur das kleine El Salvador Unterstützung zu, da zu dieser Zeit der Korea-Krieg den anderen Staaten "wichtiger" ist. 1951 reist eine Delegation des Dalai Lamas nach Peking, wo sie gezwungen wird, das sogenannte "17-Punkte-Abkommen" zu ...
The first ones to cross the Atlantic with steam-operated ships were the Americans. It was a little ship called "Savannah" in the year 1818, which was only about 98 feet long. Steam was only used to help getting forward, when there was no wind. It took 27 Days and 11 hours to get from Savannah, USA to Liverpool. In the year 1838 the "Great Western" started a flow of shipping between Great Britain and New York. This was the first time man spoke o ...
The White Star Line had been purchased in 1867 by Thomas Henry Ismay for £ 1,000. He intended to redirect his new, bankrupt company's attention from Australian trade to the North Atlantic passenger trade. He got support from Gustav Schwabe, a Liverpool financier and uncle of Gustav Wolff, junior partner of the wharf Harland and Wolff. He promised to give him financial help, if White Star Line gets it new ships from his nephew's wharf.
In the y ...
A comparison between Titanic, Mauretania, her biggest opponent and the MS United States, a ship built nearly 50 years later shows, how revolutionary giant Titanic was :
Titanic Mauretania United States
Maiden Voyage April 10th 1912 Nov. 16th 1907 July 3rd 1952
Length 882 feet 803 feet 990 feet
Width 91 feet 88.5 feet 101 feet
Draft 59 feet 55 feet 68 feet
Tonnage 46,329 tons 31,938 tons 50,924 tons
Decks 7 7 7
Engine 2 recipr ...
The Captain
James Edward Smith had been commander of White Star liners for 26 years and had over two million miles at the sea logged. So he was the most notable and experienced captain of White Star. He was celebrated as well of crew members as of the passengers. His nickname, given to him by his first-class passengers was "E.J." or the "Millionaire's captain". Smith came over from the Olympic, the sister of Titanic. At the age of 62 years ...
On the morning of April 3rd, Titanic arrived in the new constructed White Star dock in Southampton. This dock was especially built to accommodate giants like Titanic and Olympic . To guide her into the harbour of Southampton five tugs had to be used. Southampton was the main point of crew embarkation . For this ship there were 885 crew members to board. As she was a "R.M.S", which means "Royal Mail Steamer", a ship, legally commissioned by the ...