A comparison between Titanic, Mauretania, her biggest opponent and the MS United States, a ship built nearly 50 years later shows, how revolutionary giant Titanic was :
Titanic Mauretania United States
Maiden Voyage April 10th 1912 Nov. 16th 1907 July 3rd 1952
Length 882 feet 803 feet 990 feet
Width 91 feet 88.5 feet 101 feet
Draft 59 feet 55 feet 68 feet
Tonnage 46,329 tons 31,938 tons 50,924 tons
Decks 7 7 7
Engine 2 reciprocating steam engines and 1 turbine engine 4 turbine engines 4 turbine engines
Power 46,000 HP 68,000 HP 240,000 HP
Speed 21 knots 25 knots 33 knots
1st class
2nd class 674 464 685
3rd class 1026 1138 718
Crew 885 812 1068
Last Journey April 10th 1912 Sept. 26th 1934 Nov. 1st 1969
This table shows that Titanic was the biggest ship until the end of World War II. Titanic was larger than the highest buildings in the world of her time. She was also too large for many harbours of this period. So this vessel was really revolutionary in size, technique and comfort.
The expectations of the people to this vessel were obviously enormous and her maiden voyage had to proof her status as the number one ship in the world.