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  • Charakterisierung der hauptpersonen werther

    Werther Folie 3 Da der Roman zur Hauptsache aus Werthers Briefen an Wilhelm besteht, fehlen dem Leser die Vorkenntnisse: Man erfährt nichts Genaues über Werthers Aussehen, sein Alter oder seinen Werdegang. Vermutlich ist er jünger als zwanzig und von ansprechendem Aussehen, denn er gefällt nicht nur Lotte. Von seiner Familie werden nur Mutter und Tante erwähnt. Werther besitzt weitläufige Kenntnisse - er spricht Griechisch und kennt berühmte K ...


  • Werther die wirkungsgeschichte

    Der Roman gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Büchern im 18. Jahrhunderts. Er machte Goethe sofort in ganz Europa berühmt und hatte Folgen wie sie heute eher von einem Film als von einem Buch ausgelöst werden. Eine Folge davon war, dass eine eigene Werther-Kleidermode entstand: Man trug eine gelbe Weste, einen blauen Frack mit Messingknöpfen, braune Stulpenstiefel und einen Filzhut. Dazu liess man das Haar locker und ungepudert. Vieles, was damals neu ...


  • "die leiden des jungen werther" - johann wolfgang goethe

    Inhaltsangabe Von einer Reise schreibt Werther seinem Freund Wilhelm Briefe, in denen er berichtet, was er erlebt. Wesentliches Ereignis ist die Bekanntschaft mit Charlotte, in die er sich Hals über Kopf verliebt. Sein Glücksgefühl lässt nach, als ihr Verlobter Albert zurückkehrt. Da Lotte ihm keine Hoffnungen macht, ist Werther lange unschlüssig, was er mit seinem Leben anfangen soll. Schliesslich nimmt er Abschied, um eine Stelle bei Hofe anzu ...


  • Die leiden des jungen werther - goethe:

    Autor: Goethe wurde am 28. August 1749 als Sohn des Juristen und Stadtschultheißen Johann Caspar Goethe (1710-1782) und seiner Frau Katharina Elisabeth (geb. Textor, 1731-1808) in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Der Vater entstammte thüringischen Handwerkerkreisen, die Mutter einer rheinfränkischen, seit mehreren Generationen in Frankfurt ansässigen Beamtenfamilie. Von den fünf Geschwistern überlebte nur Cornelia (1750-1777), mit der er in einem eng ...


  • Johann wolfgang von goethe (1749-1832):

    1749 wurde Goethe in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Nach Wunsch seines Vaters sollte er Rechtsanwalt werden -er beschäftigte sich vor allem aber mit Literatur und Kunstgeschichte. Nach einer schweren Krankheit beendet er sein Studium in Straßburg. In Wetzlar lernt er Charlotte Buff kennen, die mit seinem Freund verlobt ist (Einfluß aufWerther) Werke: Die Leiden desjungen Werthers, Goetz von Berlichingen oder der berühmte Faust Die Handlung: ...


  • Im westen nichts neues --

    Über den Autor: Erich Maria Remarque,1898 in Osnabrück geboren,1916 Soldat.1929 erschien sein Buch "Im Westen nichts Neues" , das ein ungeheurer Erfolg wurde. 1933 wurden seine Bücher öffentlich verbrannt. Seit 1929 lebte er überwiegend im Ausland. Nach dem Krieg lebte er in der Schweiz, wo er 1970 starb. Über das Buch: "Im Westen nichts Neues" war das sensationellste Erfolgsbuch der deutschen Literatur überhaupt. Es wurde in 45 Sp ...


  • What is alice´s diary marked on?

    Alice is just an ordinary fifteen-year-old, white, middle-class teenager. She still goes to school, she isn´t very body-conscious (like most of the other adolescents of her age) and she has already pictured her future. In short: The protagonist of the true story is not a lot different from all the other teenagers. But on July 9 Alice is turned to acid. Sometimes she worries about her dependence, but taking drugs makes her life more bearable, e ...


  • What kind of person is alice?

    Alice feels inferior. It seems to her that she´s an ugly duckling, a kind of throwback, a misfit, a mistake and an outsider even of her own family. She´s sure that she´ll never be able to measure up to anyone´s expectations. Sometimes she tries to be someone else, someone important because she´s feeling rather unsettled. From time to time she catches herself trying to fit in and say and do the right things, be in the right place and wear what e ...


  • In what respect does jill´s party make a turning point in alice´s life?

    Alice looks forward to spending her holidays with her friend Beth, yet it happens that the Jewish girl has to go to a camp for six weeks. So Alice visits her grandparents but still at their place she nearly dies of boredom and almost becomes mad there. For this reason she is full of enthusiasm when her old friend Jill calls her to come to her party. It is a tremendous, wonderful, miraculous and incredible experience for her: She is accepted as ...


  • What are the various drugs alice experiments on?

    When Alice is out with Bill she experiments with "torpedos" and "Speed". Both drugs are like riding shooting stars through the Milky Way, but a trillion times better. First she is a little bit scared of Speed because Bill has to inject it right into her arm. When the drug works she can hardly control herself, but she doesn´t even want to. She dances, feels great, free, abandoned, different and improved like belonging to an other species. The tr ...


  • When and why does alice try to disrupt the vicious circle she has got caught in?

    Alice wants to live so that everyone can be proud of her and so that she can proud of herself too. She insists to quit with taking drugs and so she looks for excusions not to go to parties, to see her friends or answer the phone. Four days after her first time she had sex Roger comes back into her life. She doesn´t want him to get to know about her trips and the relationship with Bill because she knows he wouldn´t forgive her. She even doesn´t ...


  • What about the relationship within her family?

    Alice´s parents are really anxious about their daughter and want to have a talk with her. Then they flow tears and flowers about how much they love her and that they are concerned about her attitude since her return from Gran´s. They talk and talk, but they never once hear one thing Alice tries to say them. In fact she would like to pour out her heart to them about her cares, but finally she gives up trying to do so. Her Mum and Dad just nag, ...


  • Does alice really associate with the wrong sort of people?

    Alice is so happy about having a new best friend that she wants to become like Chris, she always has an idol she wants to become like. It´s common in Chris´ hippie-group to take drugs, especially uppers like "Benny". Chris takes advantage of her younger friend´s desire of belonging to somebody and joining a group of people. She helps her to be happier and full of energy and vitality, but in a wrong way. She guides her deeper into the drug scene ...


  • Which sections of the book are characterised by alice´s mood shifts?

    Alice is very confident about things improving. The two girls rent an apartment to live in and a boutique to sell jewellery. But the Christmas atmosphere makes them become homesick and think about going back home. Alice´s moods swing between optimism and deep depressions. Sometimes she dreams about returning home and live her life the way when she was fourteen. She feels lonely and heartbroken. It seems as if she is wasting her life away. The ...


  • What does it mean to alice to spend christmas and new year´s eve at home?

    Returning home at Christmas is the greatest homecoming anyone ever had, and Alice doesn´t want to leave her family again. It is going to be the best Christmas than ever before because it hasn´t been as peaceful, joyful and graceful at home ever before. It just seems as if time has been turned back and all of the bad things never happened. At New Year´s Eve she´s grateful to be rid of the old year. Alice wishes she could just tear it out of her ...


  • What is it like to be an adolescent?

    Suddenly there is a point in your age of puberty you become accepted as an individual, as a personality, as an entity. But until that day adolescents have a very rocky insecure time. Grown-ups treat them like children and yet expect them to act like adults. They give them orders like little animals or pets, then expect them to react very mature, and always rational, selfassured persons of legal stature. It is a difficult, lost vicillating time. ...


  • How do alice´s parents react as they learn about her drug-addiction and drug pushing?

    When Alice´s parents get to know about her drug addiction and her pushing they give her family support. They are grateful that she had even confided in them and promise her to plan something special for the next couple of weekends in order not to be leaded into temptation to use drugs any more. Probably they have thought a lot about the relationship with their daughter when she had gone away from home. They seem to be more open for her emotions ...


  • When do the bad times start?

    The real bad times start on January 23. Alice becomes aware that she is addicted, she knows that she can´t leave it any more. (Quotation, page 72: "After you have had it, there isn´t even life without drugs. It´s a prodding, colourless, dissonant bare existence. It stinks. And I´m glad I´m back.") She relapses and smokes joints again; it´s such a beautiful, wonderful, great feeling and for this reason she´s delighted she´s turned on again. Some ...


  • What´s doris´s life story?

    Alice meets Doris in the doctor´s waiting room. Doris has been in Denver for a couple of months and knows everything and everybody here. She´s only fourteen, but she looks like eighteen or nineteen. Time passes by and the two girls start to beg for a little food and a fix. One day Doris tells Alice about her life´s story: She has had nothing but shit since she was ten years old. Her mother was married four times by the time Doris was ten and ha ...


  • What gives her the energy to start a new diary?

    With her old diary Alice wants to break with her past. She takes her confidence from her optimism about her future and her plans for it. She wants to spend the rest of her life helping other people who are just like her. Her love to her diary, her life and God helps her to start a new diary. The most important cause why she does so is that she wants to go back to her family and make them proud of her. She wants to feel the warmth and love of he ...



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