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  • All the king's men: section two: the question

    Jack takes his question about Judge Irwin\'s past with him on a friendly visit with Anne and Adam Stanton at their childhood home in Burden\'s Landing, the house the Stantons inherited from their father, the former governor. While Anne lights a fire, Jack watches her with admiration. She\'s happy and she\'s laughing. But he destroys her cheerful mood by suddenly asking: \"Was Judge Irwin ever broke?\" Instead of answering his question, she t ...


  • All the king's men: section three: the answer

    From Adam, Jack learns that the Judge needed money in 1913 or 1914. The information gives him the direction he needs to break open the \"Case of the Upright Judge.\" Back in the capital, Jack finds Tiny Duffy pondering the Boss\'s decision to allocate $6 million for a hospital. Tiny wants the Boss to give the building contract to Gummy Larson, who is one of MacMurfee\'s friends, but who could easily be bought. Tiny figures that by tying Will ...


  • All the king's men: section one: the hospital

    In the last chapter, Jack presented the details of his seven months of research on the \"Case of the Upright Judge.\" In this chapter he tells you about several other important events that took place during the same seven months. For one thing, Willie\'s son, Tom Stark, wrecks his sports car. He had been drinking. Unfortunately, the young woman with him is permanently injured. Her father threatens to initiate a lawsuit. Willie makes threats ...


  • All the king's men: section two: friends

    Willie tells Jack, \"Get Stanton.\" This new assignment amuses Jack. After all, Adam is a friend of his youth, and he knows that Adam is not at all fond of the Boss. In fact, Jack sees the task of convincing Adam to head the Boss\'s hospital as being more nearly impossible than it was to unearth a past scandal about Judge Irwin. Nevertheless, Jack goes to Adam\'s apartment to make Willie\'s offer: \"Governor Stark wants you to be director of ...


  • All the king's men: section one: the great twitch

    Jack leaves California with a new confidence, acquired by his sense of having discovered a secret knowledge. He doesn\'t really understand this knowledge until he picks up an old hitchhiker in New Mexico. Jack becomes fascinated by a twitch on the old man\'s leathery cheek. The hitchhiker is not even aware of his twitch. Yet, the twitch seems to reveal all there is about the desperate conditions of the man\'s life. Suddenly, Jack feels that he ...


  • All the king's men: section two: judge irwin

    Governor Stark arrives at a plan for squelching the paternity suit against Tom. He\'s unable to arrange a deal with Frey and his daughter, because MacMurfee has hidden them in another state. His only alternative is to approach MacMurfee, his archenemy. Willie decides to use someone to whom MacMurfee owes a favor. He thinks of Judge Irwin. The Boss asks Jack whether he has found anything on the Judge. Jack indicates that he has, but before re ...


  • All the king's men: section one: tom stark

    Jack begins this chapter by observing that no story is ever over. The \"Case of the Upright Judge\" ends tragically; yet, life goes on. The Judge\'s story, he says, is merely a chapter in the longer story of Willie Stark. Instead of going into a Great Sleep or escaping West, as he has done during other crises, Jack returns to work, filled with resolve. He tells Willie that he will no longer do any of his dirty work. Surely, the Boss teases, ...


  • All the king's men: section two: the fall

    Telegrams expressing sympathy flood Willie\'s office. Jack watches the Boss\'s men as they enter the office. Tiny comes in, his face a marvel of gloom. But when he discovers that the Boss isn\'t in, he perks up. Sadie arrives, looks around at the mournful gathering, curses, and goes into her office. For Jack, it\'s a rather pleasant day. Peering out a window, he describes the landscape as looking like \"the face of a person who has been sick a ...


  • All the king's men: section one: the bloody ground

    Jack attends Adam\'s funeral in Burden\'s Landing and the Boss\'s funeral in the capital. Then he returns to Burden\'s Landing to stay a while. Anne is also staying in Burden\'s Landing. So, as would seem natural, they spend much time together. Most of it is spent in peaceful silence or with Jack reading to Anne. Neither of them talks about what has happened. They drift along in a kind of numbness. But one day the question of who phoned Adam be ...


  • All the king's men: section two: the awful responsibility of time

    After Jack meets with Sugar-Boy, his need for revenge vanishes but his need to become involved grows. He decides to visit Lucy. She seems fine and asks Jack whether he knows that Tom is dead. He does. Then she shows him a baby, Tom\'s baby. She has named him Willie Stark, because, she says, \"Willie was a great man.\" And she adds, \"I have to believe that.\" Jack realizes that he, too, has to believe that Willie was a great man. By believ ...


  • All the king's men: on robert penn warren

    The poetry, the fiction, and even the critical essays of Robert Penn Warren form a highly unified and consistent body of work. But it would be impossible to reduce it, without distorting simplifications, to some thesis about human life. The work is not tailored to fit a thesis. In the best sense, it is inductive: it explores the human situation and tests against the fullness of human experience our various abstract statements about it. But Warr ...


  • All the king's men: the southern setting

    Richard Gray has asserted that All the King\'s Men is typically Southern in its concern with the way past and present are inextricably linked. That is certainly a central theme of the novel, but that is precisely the problem: its generality. Surely all sorts of works in modernist literature are organized around this theme without thereby making them uniquely Southern. Thus in All the King\'s Men, and in most of Warren\'s fiction, the South s ...


  • All the king's men: on technique

    The point at which to get a grasp on the technique of All the King\'s Men is the narrative of Jack Burden, for the basic observation about the form of the novel is simply that it consists entirely of a story related by a created character who has observed and participated in the action that makes it up. It is Burden\'s supposed recollection of past events from a present time, but the attempt throughout (with the exception of the Cass Mastern ...


  • All the king's men: willie and adam

    Stanton\'s decision to assassinate Willie, whom he knows only as an abstraction, characterizes the objective scientist in him. To Stanton, Willie is a cancer, not a human being. The doctor\'s temporary substitution of \"pure force\" for \"pure idea,\" therefore, is no reversal since both positions are remote from the human median. What Adam\'s action does allow, however, is the double irony of a man\'s being killed by his favorite weapon at the ...


  • All the king's men: human nature and history

    Man as well as history, Warren believes, has a dark and evil side, for his nature is depraved. Warren sees man as both good and bad, a coiling, confused darkness of motives which no one can completely understand. This enormous complexity of motives and hidden desires is one reason why we can never fully understand history, which consists as much of the actions of men as of non-human forces. Then, too, Warren believes that man must understand an ...


  • All the king's men: self-knowledge

    What of the book\'s political morality? It was a pity that the reviewers regarded All the King\'s Men as primarily another life of Huey Long to be compared with the other lives of Long and not with the other works of Warren. It must be obvious by now, if my account of the book is half-way accurate, that it is not a political treatise about Long or anything else. Like Proud Flesh, it is another study of Warren\'s constant theme: self-knowledge. ...


  • Autor robert schneider

    Robert Schneider wurde 1961 in Bregenz als uneheliches Kind geboren, wuchs in Meschach, einem Bergdorf in den rheintalischen Alpen auf, wo er heute als freischaffender Schriftsteller lebt. Er absolvierte von 1981-1986 das Studium der Komposition, Kunstgeschichte und Theaterwissenschaft in Wien. 1988 wurde ihm ein Dramatikerstipendium des Bundesministeriums für Unterricht und Kunst/Wien für sein erste ...


  • Robert schneider - biographie

    16.06.1961 Geburt in Bregenz (Österreich) Er verbringt seine Kindheit und Jugend bei Adoptveltern in Meschach, einem kleinen Bergdorf in Vorarlberg, wo er heute als freischaffender Schriftsteller lebt 1981-1986 Nach seinem Abitur, welches er am Bundesgymnasium Feldkirch ablegte, studiert er in Wien Komposition, Theaterwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte. 1990 Während er an seinem ersten Roman "Schlafes Bruder" arbeitet, bekommt er ein a ...


  • Inhalt "das ist die geschichte des musikers johannes elias alder

    "Das ist die Geschichte des Musikers Johannes Elias Alder, der zweiundzwanzigjährig sein Leben zu Tode brachte, nachdem er beschlossen hatte, nicht mehr zu schlafen. Denn er war in unsägliche und darum unglückliche Liebe zu seiner Cousine Elsbeth entbrannt..." Robert Schneider, Schlafes Bruder Johannes Elias Alder wird im Jahr 1803 als uneheliches Kind in Eschberg, einem von Inzucht geprägten Bergdorf in Vorarlberg, geboren. Sofort bemerken ...


  • Biographische bezüge

    "Der Roman enthält auf verschiedenen Ebenen Anklänge an die Biographie Schneiders." Robert Schneider wuchs als Adoptivkind in dem kleinen Bergdorf Meschach in Vorarlberg, welches nur 57 Einwohner hatte, auf. Das gleiche Umfeld wählt er auch als Geburtsort des Elias. Elias wächst in Eschberg, einem fiktiven Dorf auf, welches sich dem Roman zufolge auch in Vorarlberg befindet. Schneider ging nach Feldkirch zur Schule. Der Name Feldkirch erinner ...



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