1. Author:
Nick Hornby was born in 1957 and worked as a teacher before becoming a full-time writer.
His first book "Fever Pitch" enjoyed great critical success, it was published in 1992. The film of "Fever Pitch" (with screenplay by the author) was released in 1997. His novels "High Fidelity" and "About a Boy" were published to equal critical and popular acclaim.
Nick Hornby lives in North London.
2. Main Characters:
Marcus: 12, weird ...
Biographie Adalbert Stifter:
Adalbert Stifter gehört gemeinsam mit Franz Grillparzer zu den bedeutensten österreichischen Erzählern des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Stifter wird am 23. Okt. 1805 im böhmischen Operplan als Sohn des Leinwebers Johann Stifter und dessen Frau Magdalena geboren.
Sein Vater kommt später durch einen Unfall ums Leben (er wird von einem umstürzenden Flachswagen erschlagen). Zu seiner Mutter hat er eine starke, liebevolle Bezi ...
Adalbert Stifter wurde am 23.10.1805 in Oberplan (Böhmerwald) geboren. Er kam als Sohn eines Leinewebers und Flachshändlers aus einfachen Verhältnissen. Als er 12 Jahre alt war, starb sein Vater, und er wurde von den Großeltern erzogen. Er besuchte von 1818 bis 1826 das Gymnasium und studierte anschließend bis 1830 in Wien zunächst Jura, dann Naturwissenschaften und Geschichte, machte aber keine Abschlussprüfung.
Stifter wollte gern Landschafts ...
Adelbert von Chamisso wurde 1781 in der Champagne in Frankreich geboren. Chamisso entstammte einer alten lothringischen Adelsfamilie, die sich auf der Flucht vor der französischen Revolution in Berlin niederließ. Chamisso diente als Leutnant in einem preußischen Regiment und begann 1812 das Studium der Medizin und Botanik. 1815 - 1818 nahm er als Botaniker an einer Pazifik- und Arktisexpedition teil, über die er in seinen "Ansichten und Bemerkung ...
'Poirot' Novels: The Mysterious Affair at Styles; The Murder on the Links; Poirot Investigates; The Murder of Roger Ackroyd; The Big Four; The Mystery of the Blue Train; Peril at End House; Lord Edgware Dies; Murder on the Orient Express; Three-Act Tragedy; Death in the Clouds; The A.B.C. Murders; Murder in Mesopotami; Cards on the Table; Murder in the Mews; Dumb Witness; Death on the Nile; Appointment with Death; Hercule Poirot's Christmas; Sad ...
Main characters: Hercule Poirot
Carla Lemarchant
Philip Blake
Meredith Blake
Lady Dittisham = Elsa Greer
Cecilia Williams
Angela Warren
A young woman, Carla Lemarchant, comes to England to ask Hercule Poirot to investigate a murder that took place sixteen years ago. Her father, Amyas Crale, had been poisoned, and her mother, Caroline Crale, was tried and convicted for the murder and died in prison. But she wrote a letter to Carl ...
Main characters: Hercule Poirot
Captain Hastings
Monsieur Hautet
Mr. Bex
Family Renauld
Family Daubreuil
Captain Hastings, Hercule's best friend, makes an unforgettable experience on the train, where he meets a wonderful woman, called Cinderella. Upon arrival Captain Hastings tells Poirot how impressed he was by the new acquaintance. As usual Hercule pays attention to his friend's narration.
Poirot is worried as he views his dai ...
He is an extraordinary little man! Height, five feet four inches, egg-shaped head carried a little to one side, eyes that show green when he is excited, stiff military moustache, air of dignity immense! He is neat and dandified in appearance. For neatness of any kind he has an absolute passion. To see an ornament set crookedly, or a speck of dust, or a slight disarray in one's attire, is torture to the little man until he can ease his feelings by ...
Author's Foreword: There are certain clichés belonging to certain types of fiction. The 'bold bad baronet' for melodrama, the 'body in the library' for the detective story. For several years I treasured up the possibility of a suitable 'Variation on a well-known Theme'. I laid down for myself certain conditions. The library in question must be a highly orthodox and conventional library. The body, on the other hand, must be wildly improbable and h ...
Main characters: Jerry Burton
Joanna Burton
Emily Barton
Megan Hunter
Aimée Griffith
Elsie Holland
Richard Symmington
The Calthrops
Jane Marple
After a flying accident, the pilot Jerry Burton from London is rather badly injured. That's why his doctor Markus Kent advises him to spend some time in the country in order to promote the healing process. Jerry and his younger sister Joanna, who wants to accompany and look after him ...
Miss Marple first appeared in a series of six short stories in Britain's The Sketch magazine. She was a member of the Tuesday Club, a discussion group that met in the quiet Kentish village of St. Mary Mead to discuss unsolved crimes. Other members included the vicar; Miss Marple's nephew, a successful novelist; his fiancée Joyce, an artist; and others. However, it was Miss Marple who always arrived at the solutions to the crimes.
These short sto ...
Main characters: Gerry Wade
Loraine Wade
Jimmy Thesiger
Eileen Brent = Bundle
Bill Eversleigh
Ronald Devereux
The Cootes
Lord Caterham
Superintendent Battle
George Lomax
A group of young people are enjoying a short stay at Lord Caterham's house.
Oswald Coote is taking care of this house while, the Lord is away. Gerry Wade, a champion sleeper, is going on Oswald Coote's nerves. He sleeps much too long.
Jimmy Thesiger, Bi ...
Biograpie und Werke Hebbels:
Friedrich Hebbel wurde am 18. März 1813 in Wesselburen (Holstein) als Sohn eines Maurers geboren und wuchs in ärmlichen Verhältnissen auf. Er trat mit 14 in den Dienst des Kirchspielvogts (= Pfarrbezirksaufseher) ein, wo er sich im Laufe der Zeit vom Laufburschen bis zum Schreiber hinaufdiente. Er bildete sich mit Hilfe der Schneiderin Elise Lensing und durch zähes Selbststudium fort und verbesserte sein ...
Umberto Eco stellt in seinem Buch Kant und das Schnabeltier eine Behauptungen bezüglich Melville's Buch Moby-Dick auf:
Die Erzählung läßt die LeserInnen im unklaren, welches Bein Ahab verloren hat, womit die Freiheit gegeben ist, sich das selbst vorzustellen. (vgl. Eco 2000, S. 371).
Dieses Thesenpapier soll ein erster Versuch sein, diese Behauptung zu prüfen.
In Kapitel 29 kommt es zu einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Kapitän Ahab und ...
The director:
Was born on February 22nd in New York. Jonathan Demme emerged from the halcyon days of low-budget genre filmmaking--he began as a member of Roger Corman\'s stable of writers in the 1970s--to become one of Hollywood\'s most critically admired directors in the 80s and 90s. He learned the craft of directing making cheapie action crime films like \"Caged Heat\" (1974) and \"Crazy Mama\" (1975). Demme enhanced his reputation with a seri ...
This book is a guide for teenagers, with a lot of short stories about HIV-infected persons, their history of becoming infected and their way to handle with this serious disease.
These many stories are mostly very tragic: a woman who never had any relations with drug-addicted persons or homosexual men fell in love with a cute man, who seems to be as healthy as everyone. Years after this relation, the woman already had success in her job a ...
Adele Minchin is 28 and has worked in PR for four years, first at Campaign against the Arms Trade and then in publishing. She also volunteers at Body and Soul, the self-help organisation supporting adults and young people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. She lives in London. The Beat Goes On is her debut novel.
She is 15 years old, and lives in a small town near Manchester. Her mother makes her life hard, whe ...
She is a happy, eleven-year-old girl, who already has found her true vocation which is becoming a professional gymnast. She loves school, and earns top-marks, although she doesn't have to study as much as many other children at her age. She loves her family and even when she knows how bad things seem, she is not really afraid of death. The thing she is concerned most about is missing school during her last few weeks, ...
Liebe Frau Professor, liebe Mitschüle, ich möchte euch heute das Buch Aimee und Jaguar von Erika Fischer vorstellen.
Erika Fischer wurde 1943 in der englischen Emigration der Eltern geboren
1948 sind sie und ihre Eltern wieder nach Österreich zurückgekehrt, wo Erica Fischer ein Studium am Dolmetscherinstitut der Universität Wien begann. Seit Mitte der 70er Jahre ist sie publizistisch tätig
Seit 1988 lebt sie als freie Journali ...
Das Buch:
Bei Nacht gelang es amerikanischen Elite-Einheiten, den im Kasachstan in einer Tyrannei regierenden, selbsternannten Ministerpräsidenten General Iwan Radek gefangen zu nehmen. Mit dem Gefühl den Bewohnern Kasachstans geholfen zu haben, hielt der amerikanische Präsident James Marshall bei einem Treffen mit dem russischen Präsidenten in Moskau eine Rede. Man merkte ihm an, dass es ihm leid tat, erst so spät eingegriffen zu haben - immerh ...