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  • Textbeschreibung - die tochter von peter bichsel

    Die Kurzgeschichte \"Die Tochter\" von Peter Bichsel handelt vom Verhalten und den Gefühlen eines Ehepaares ihrer in der Stadt arbeitetenden Tochter gegenüber. Es werden ihre um die Tochter kreisenden Gedanken beschrieben, während sie am gedeckten Esstisch auf deren Ankunft warten. Die Handlung dieser Kurzgeschichte spielt in der Zeit der 50. Jahre. Plattenspieler sind modern, \"In ihrem Zimmer hatte sie einen Plattenspieler,...\" (Z .11) und ...


  • Klausur grundkurs deutsch

    In seinem Aufsatz beantwortet Max Frisch (1911-1991) die Frage, was Höflichkeit ist. Er verarbeitet dabei Tagebucheintragungen der Nachkriegszeit. Er gibt seine Erfahrungen dieser Zeit wieder und ruft durch seinen Text die Menschen zu mehr Höflichkeit auf, die aufgrund der herrschenden Verhältnisse in Deutschland etwas zurückgeblieben war. Frisch beschreibt antithetisch zu seinem Thema die Wirkung von purer Ehrlichkeit auf den anderen bei einer ...


  • Angela stachowa: ich bin ein kumpel

    Angela Stachowa wurde am 16. März 1943 in Prag geboren, lebt heute aber in Leipzig. Diese Kurzgeschichte wurde dem Buch "Stunde zwischen Hund & Katz. Erzählungen.", das 1979 beim Mitteldeutschen Verlag, Halle - Leipzig erschienen ist entnommen. Diese Kurzgeschichte handelt von einer Frau, die sich einer Männerrunde angepaßt hat, weil sie sich in eines der Mitglieder verliebt hat. Anfangs wurde sie von den anderen Männern nicht akzeptiert ...


  • Textinterpretation: "das brot"

    Die Kurzgeschichte "Das Brot" von Wolfgang Borchert geschrieben 1946, also in der Nachkriegszeit, geschrieben handelt von einer Frau, die ihren Mann beim Essen von rationiertem Brot überrascht. Beide verdrängen das Geschehene jedoch. Am nächsten Tag verzichtet die Frau auf einen Teil ihrer Ration und gibt es ihrem Mann. Die Kurzgeschichte fängt damit an, daß die Frau nachts aufwacht, weil sie in der Küche ein Geräusch hört. In der Küche trifft ...


  • Textinterpretation: franz kafka, heimkehr

    Der Text "Heimkehr" von Franz Kafka handelt von einem Mann, der nach vermutlich längerer Zeit wieder auf den Hof seines Vaters zurückkehrt und sich dort sehr fremd vorkommt. Da der Text zwischen 1883 und 1924 entstanden ist, könnte es sich bei dem Mann um einen Heimkehrer aus dem ersten Weltkrieg handeln. Die Parabel handelt von einem Mann, der nach sehr langer Zeit wieder zum alten Haus seines Vaters zurückkehrt. Nachdem er den Flur durchqu ...


  • The amazon's word

    THE AUTUOR: Marion Zimmer Bradley comes from Albany (New York). She is known as a successful SCIENCE FICTION and FANTASY writer. As her popular novels THE LIGHT OF ATLANTIS and THE HAZES OF AVALON, also the recent work of the author acts in a mythical space of time and at a mysterious place. Again women are the ones who try to recognize their purpose. THE CUARACTERS: Zadya (first person narrator), Ifania, her mistress and Beizun, Zady ...


  • The big sleep

    Chandler¡¦s life: Raymond Thornton Chandler was born on 23rd July 1888 in Chicago, Illinois. He spent his youth in Britain, but he became an American citizen in 1956 again. In 1924 Raymond married Pearl Cecily Hurlburt. His first book was published in 1933. He got an award of the Mystery writers of America in 1954. Raymond Chandler died on 26th March in 1959. Characters: Philip Marlow is a private detective and the main character in th ...


  • I want to present you the novel" the cardinal of the kremlin" by tom clancy.

    Because I told you about the author already last year, I just want to repeat the most important facts: he was born in 1947 in Baltimore and worked after college as an insurance broker in Maryland. 1984 his first novel "The Hunt for Red October" was published. Other also well-known works followed, e.g. "Cardinal of the Kremlin" (1988), "Dept of Honour", which I presented last year, (1994) and "Rainbow Six" (1998). Almost each of his books ha ...


  • The caretaker

    The author: Harold Pinter was born on the 10th October 1930 in Hackney/London. He's one of the most famous English playwrights; his dramas emphasize a sense of unspoken or unexplained tensions between special characters; they often treat themes like loneliness, existential fear, and aimlessness. In his plays Pinter tries to connect absurd, realistic and psychological elements. In his early plays Pinter shows ordinary people threatened or att ...


  • The author: jerome d. salinger

    . Jerome D. Salinger was born in 1919 in New York City as the son of a well-to-do grocery salesman . Attended various east Coast private prep schools and afterwards a couple of different colleges, but he never graduated. . After excelling in a creative writing class in college, his first short story published in 1940; he continued to write even as a soldier in WWII; however, his writing was sparely noticed by the critics. . In 1951, his fi ...


  • The plot in a nutshell - the catcher in the rye

    . Protagonist is Holden Caulfield, 16, first person narrator: He comes from a well-to-do family of New Yorkers . At the beginning & within the book he addresses the reader directly: In a California mental hospital to recuperate from an unnamed illness(Frame Story) . Holden tells the actual plot from his memory: The Plot starts one Saturday short before Christmas in a private Pennsylvania Preparatory School: . Holden is not allowed to ret ...


  • Language & style -the catcher in the rye

    . Written in common, sometimes profane language, . the colloquial language used in the 50ies . Reintroduced the common language into American Literature . at some points almost a stream-of-consciousness technique, with very short or unfinished sentences . The language mirrors the situation, Holden talks differently to different people . Holden\'s tone varies between disgust, cynicism, bitterness, and nostalgic longing, all expressed in a ...


  • Holden's character

    In the 50's , when the boo was published, a great number of people was able to identify with Holden, even those that came from backgrounds completely different from his. Most certainly, he is a unreliable narrator, so as the book is written as a first person narrative, one cannot trust his account of the action but has to make up his mind himself. He certainly has great psychological problems that probably stem from his remembrance of the de ...


  • Place; time and main characters:

    The story takes place in Great Britain, more precisely somewhere in London. It happens on a Bank Holiday during the second world war. The most important persons are the members of a gang called the Wormsley Common Gang. Their leader is a boy whose name is Blackie. The boy who has been admitted in the gang as the latest is Trevor. When Trevor says his name, everybody laughs. The gang calls him only T. , so everybody has no excuse to laugh at ...


  • The giver by lois lowry

    In den früheren Kapiteln passiert nichts wichtiges, es werden nur die Personen ein bisschen vorgestellt und Jonas Geschichte, unwichtig. In der Inhaltsangabe hab ich keinen Wert auf Grammatik oder Zeitformen gelegt, aber der Inhalt ist zu 90% richtig, es geht nur um den Inhalt und wenn ihr damit dran kommt soll es ja auch selbst gemacht klingen oder??? 8. Chapter: the ceremony ends and now they call for Jonas to stand up; he has been selected ...


  • Tennessee williams: the glass menagerie

    The author: Thomas Lanier Williams was born in 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi and experienced a difficult childhood. His father was a travelling salesman and heavy drinker and his mother had hysterical attacks. His younger sister Rose was emotionally and mentally unstable, which had a great influence on his life and work. In 1918 the family moved to St. Louis but Williams could not easily adapt himself to the life in these new surroundings an ...


  • The glass menagerie

    Type of book: The story can be defined to "fiction". It is a memory play with biographic elements. Tom has two characters united. He's the narrator and an actor. Subject: The play deals with the difficult relationship in a family. Setting: The story happens in the South of the United States, in St Louis in the 30ies. Amanda: Like everyone in that family, Amanda also has her own world, which she can escape into, - her memories. She f ...


  • The good earth pearl s. buck

    1., story Pearl S. Buck \"Good Earth\" 2., author Pearl Buck was born in the United States, but was taken to China at an early age by her parents, whose life-work was to preach the Christian religion there. At first they lived in Chinkiang, on the river Yangtse Kiang. By the time she went to boarding school in Shanghai, Pearl felt herself to be one of the Chinese. At the age of seventeen she felt for Europe, and then she co ...


  • The good earth by pearl s.buck

    Author: \"The Good Earth\" was written by Pearl S. Buck, who was born in the United States of America, but since her early age she lived in China the most time of her life and also felt to be one of the Chinese. In 1938 Pearl S. Buck was given the Nobel Price in Literature for \"The Good Earth\". Published: The book was published by Longman. It was first published in 1931. Type of book: ...


  • The great gatsby - a novel by f. scott fitzgerald

    1.) Introduction This novel is about the superficiality of rich people. The author also treats the conflict between upper-class and working-class people, and the sudden destruction of dreams. Francis Scott Fitzgerald conveys that rich people are not able to love, feelings are unimportant for their relationships. He shows the problems of young, talented, ambitious people in a fast-moving consumer society. Some parts of this dramatic nove ...



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