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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Does alice really associate with the wrong sort of people?

1. Drama
2. Liebe

Alice is so happy about having a new best friend that she wants to become like Chris, she always has an idol she wants to become like. It´s common in Chris´ hippie-group to take drugs, especially uppers like "Benny". Chris takes advantage of her younger friend´s desire of belonging to somebody and joining a group of people. She helps her to be happier and full of energy and vitality, but in a wrong way. She guides her deeper into the drug scene and Alice soon smokes pot. The effects are even greater than expected. Soon her friends want to return her on to hash and booze. Her partner Richie shows her how to smoke and how to use a hookah pipe and also gives her some joints. This trip makes her feel happy and free like a bird flying into the sky, as well as perfect and extremely relaxed. The drugs open all of her senses and that´s an unforgetable experience for her.
Richie makes them give up their jobs and become pushers to get money to buy their drugs. Alice seems to be absolutely happy. She´s hooked on Richie and would do everything for him. But she doesn´t notice that she already does...
One day she sells ten stamps of LSD to a nine-year-old and that´s what makes her think about drugs a lot. Moreover she finds out that her boyfriend is queer and that she is just one of his chicks, so she turns him in to the police to protect the younger kids of becoming a drug addict, although she´s afraid of Richie´s revenge.
Chris and Alice decide to stay clean, drop out of school and go to San Francisco because they don´t want their families to know that they are weak and reputable persons. Alice understands that the drugs are the root and the cause of this whole rotten, stinking mess she´s in and she wishes she had never heard of them.
The two girls get a job in a boutique and one day they are invited to a big party of their boss. And there the inevitable happens: That is the scene and Alice wants to be part of it. For this reason she starts smoking joints again and has to worry about being pregnant a second time.
The next week she gets convinced to inject heroine (also called "Smack"), and she feels gentle, drowny and floating above reality. When she comes down again she notices that the other members of the party had taken turns raping her and treating her brutally.


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