Die Deliktsfähigkeit oder Zurechnungsfähigkeit besteht darin, durch eigenes rechtswidriges und schuldhaftes Verhalten schadenersatzpflichtig zu werden, z.B. durch Einwerfen einer Fensterscheibe.
Deliktsfähig ist man ab dem 14 Lebensjahr.
Als gesetzlicher Vertreter wird unterschieden zwischen einem Sachwalter und den Eltern oder einem Vormund.
Der Sachwalter (Kurator) ist für geistig behinderte und psychisch kranke Personen volljährige Personen zuständig. Das heißt der Sachwalter unterschreibt z.B. für einen geistig Behinderten einen Erbvertrag.
Die Eltern oder der Vormund sind für deren Kinder, die noch nicht volljährig sind, zuständig.
Ein Vormund wird dann bestimmt wenn z.B. ...
William I set up a "feudal system", he established a strong monarchy through centralization of the government. The king owned all the land, granting estates to his barons, which they devided among their followers; below there were the Saxon serfs. The newly established Royal Council (Curia Regis) was more dependent on the king than the Saxon Witan had been.
But the cruel rule of William´s successors came to an end when Henry, Duke of Anjou, ...
Henry´s son Richard I (Lionheart) spent most of his time on the Third Crusarde - his brother John I (also called Lackland) was one of the most unpopular English kings, he ruled so badly that in 1215 the barons and bishops forced him to sign a charter protecting their privileges.
This Magna Carta was to become a cornerstone of British freedom..
Chief provisions of the charter:
*no taxation without the consent of the Common Council (Parliament ...
Excessive taxation during the French war enhanced the importance of knights and burgesses, who began to meet separatly for financial debates before voting taxes.
In the year 1340 the Commoners met themselves for the first time.
This led to the division of the Great Council into the House of Commons (elected representatives of counties and boroughs) and the House of Lords (personally summoned barons and bishops).
But there was still a limita ...
(Stuart Age - Absolutism and the English Revolion)
The Early Stuarts were politically undiplomatic and abitrary, though with personal dignity and courage, the Stuarts were very unpopular through their despotic and Catholic tendencies. Resistance to Stuart despotism led to the revival of Parliamentarism.
James I (son of Mary Stuart) was disliked by the extreme Protestants and by the Roman Catholics. The latter plottet to blow up Parliament a ...
After Oliver Cromwell´s death Charles II (the Merry Monarch; son of the executed King Charles I) was asked to return from exile in France, the masses rejoiced (1660). He re-established Parliament and the Church of England, Protestant and Roman Catholics were excluded from puplic offices.
Of the two political parties, the "Tories" (chiefly the landed aristocracy) supported by the King and the Church of England; the "Whigs" (mostly moneyed mid ...
James II (brother of Charles II) tried to restore Catholicism by rigorous measures, he was very unpopular and finally even lost the support of the Tories. But the throne was offered to Mary and her Protestant husband, William of Orange, Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic, so James fled to France. This "Glorious Revolution" (1688) marks the end of the old fight between King and Parliament.
The Parliament was supreme - William and Mary, who ruled v ...
union with Scotland was effected in 1707, sixteen Scottish lords were to be elected to the House of Lords, as well as representatives to the House of Commons. The ecclesiastical, legal and educational systems, however, have remained seperate.
After Queen Anne´s death a strange thing hapened: the English accepted a foreign king rather than having the Catholic Stuarts back.
George I of Hanover (1714), a greatson of James I, was not able t speek ...
The Victorian Age - Queen Victoria , who came to the throne in 1837 (after George IV and William IV), gave the century her name: She and her husband; Prince Albert became symbols of "Victorian" morality and respectability. Her age was one of great changes.
The industrial reforms had been introduced:
* slave trade and slavery had been forbidden
* religious tolerance was granted to all
* industrial towns were given seats in Parliament
The reigning monarch is not only head of the state but symbol of the unity of the nation. The monarchy is Britain´s oldest secular institution, ist continuitty for over a thousand years broken only once ba a republic that lasted a mere of eleven years (1649 - 1660).
The monarchy is hereditary, the succession passing automatically to the oldest male child, or in the absence of males, to the oldest female offspring of the monarch. By Act (or ...
The upper chamber of Parliament, the House of Lords, is not democratic in any sense at all.
It consists of four catagories of peer. The majority are hereditary peers, a total of almost 800, nut of whom only about half take an active interest in the affairs of the state. A smaller number, between 350 and 400, are "life" peers - an idea introduced in the year 1958 to elevate to the peerage certain people who have rendered political or public ...
The dynamic power of Parliament lies in the House of Commons. Of ist 650 Members, 523 represent constituencies in England, 38 in Wales, 72 in Scotland and 17 in Northern Ireland.
There are only seats in the Commons debating chamber for 370 members, but expect on matters of great interest, it is unusual for all members to be present at any one time.
Many MP´s find themselves in other rooms of the Commons, participating in a variety of committee ...
Her Majestry´s Government, in spite of ist name, derives ist authority and power from
its party representation in Parliament. While the government machinery is frequent referred
to as "Whitehall", Parliament is known as "Westminster", since it housed in the Place of
Westminster, once a home of the monarchy. Like the monarchy, Parliament is an ancient institution, dating from the middle of the thiteenth century (1265).
The British Parlia ...
For electoral proposes the United Kingdom is divided into constituences, each one of which elects a Member of Parliament to sit in the House of Commons. To ensure equitable representations four permanent Boundary Commissions (for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), make periodic reviews to adjust electoral boundaries and redistribute seats.
Today there are 650 seats in the Commons, one seat on average for every 66,000 electors.
Dieses Referat soll Aufschluß darüber geben, ob extremisitische Gruppierungen unsere bestehende Demokratie gefährden.
Hierbei müssen bestimmte Aspekte berücksichtigt werden.
Extremistische Aspekte werden in drei Gruppierungen unterteilt:
1. Rechtsextremisitische
2. Linksextremistische
3. Ausländerextremisitische
Eine spezifische Einteilung der Gruppierungen in Rechts-, Links- oder Ausländerextremismus ist hier durch das Bundesinnenm ...
Demokratie (von griechisch demos: das Volk und kratein: herrschen), "Volksherrschaft", Bezeichnung für eine Vielzahl von politischen Ordnungen, in denen sich die Herrschaft auf den Willen des Volkes beruft und dem Volk rechenschaftspflichtig ist.
In der griechischen Antike bedeutet der Begriff Demokratie die unmittelbare Teilnahme des Volkes an der Politik des jeweiligen Stadtstaates (polis) und stand im Gegensatz zu den Herrschaftsformen Ol ...
Der Rechtsextremismus ist eine besondere Form des Extremismus.
Dieser Begriff ist gleichgesetzt mit Bestrebungen, deren Zielsetzung darauf ausgerichtet sind, die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung zu beeinträchtigen oder abzuschaffen.
Das Weltbild umfasst die irrwitzige Annahme, dass man angebliche Naturgesetze wie das vermeintliche Recht des Stärkeren oder das "Prinzip der Auslese" der Schwachen auf die menschliche Gemeinschaft über ...
Auch beim Linksextremismus ist eine Zielsetzung darauf ausgerichtet, Bestrebungen zu aktivieren, deren Zielsetzung darin besteht, die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung zu beeinträchtigen bzw. diese vollständig abzuschaffen.
Linksextremisten stelle ihre Weltanschauung über das politische Prinzip der Demokratie.
Dieses Zielsetzung geht von der Grundüberzeugung aus, die nicht mit unserem Demokratieverständnis identisch ist und somit im ...
Hier ist ebenfalls die Zielsetzung zu beobachten, die freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu beeinträchtigen oder abzuschaffen.
Träger der bekannten extremistischen Bestrebungen in der Bundesrepublik sind weit überwiegend Deutsche und eine Minderheit der in Deutschland lebenden Ausländer.
Hierzu zählen insbesondere die ausländischen Staatsangehörigen, die auf bundesdeutschem Staatsgebiet politisch motivie ...