Wie bereits erwähnt, wurde Anfang der 80er das Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol als einheitliche Datentransfersprache im Internet entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zum Namen ist die Funktion der beiden Protokolle im Prinzip recht einfach:
. Das IP nimmt Dateien einfach auseinander, unterteilt es also in kleinere und handlichere Pakete und adressiert sie mit der Zieladresse, wo die Pakete hinsollen. Am Ziel setzt es die Datei wieder z ...
Nach vielem theoretischen gefasel jetzt noch etwas praktisches, für alle, die gerne die heute gewonnenen Kenntnisse in die Praxis umsetzen möchten.
4.1 Was brauche ich dazu?
1. Einen PC, der nach Möglichkeit in der Nähe eines Telefones steht.
2. Ein Modem (Modulator/Demodulator), welches die Verbindung zwischen Telefonleitung und Computer übernimmt. (Das ganze geht auch mit einer ISDN-Karte, wenn man zu Hause einen ISDN-Telefonansch ...
Geschichte: -Entdechung der Flüssigkristalle 1888 von T. Reinitzer
-1983 in Japan 1. Kommerzielles Produkt vorgestellt
-1993 spürbare Marktanteile
-werden den Monitor (Braunsche Röhre) ablösen
Aufbau und
Funktionsprinzip: -bei Zimmertemp. milchige Flüssigkeit
-längl. organische Moleküle
-Molek. richten sich parallel zu Längsachse aus
-enger Temperaturbereich (zwischenmolekulare Kräfte)
-durch untersch. e- -Dichte um Molekül, ...
At the beginning of my speech I¡¦ll explain some special phrases to you.
THINK-TANK: Denkfabrik
NODE: Knoten, Knotenpunkt
ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
MILNET : Military Network
HOST - A host computer is one, which contains a small part of information in the Internet
REMOTE CONTROL - to run operating systems on another computer far away
Thirty years ago, the RAND Corporation, America\'s foremost ...
history of the internet
requirements for being online
internet in schools
risks and safety on the internet
The ARPA net (Advanced Research Projects Agency Net ) , which was developed for the US Ministry of Defence in 1973, was the first real computer network. The idea of the ARPA net was to link a few computers at different places in the country in such a way, that the network would keep on working in the c ...
A commonly asked question is, "What can I do on the Internet?". It's not easy to give a clear answer, because their a so many possibilities. You can send electronic messages, called e-mail, you can participate in discussion groups, called Newsgroups, you can download files and information from remote servers via FTP, you can access computers via Telnet, which gives you the opportunity to do research in databases, or you can simply surf around o ...
In 1957, the Russians launched the first artificial satellite, which was called Sputnik. This event flamed up the cold war, because the United States was near hysterics thinking of that metal ball orbiting the globe overhead. But president D. Eisenhower and the U.S. didn't want the Russians to own outer space without a fight. So the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was initiated within the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish U.S. l ...
William (Bill) H. Gates III is co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft, which is the leading provider of software for personal computers.
Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William H. Gates III, is a Seattle attorney. Mary Gates, their mother, was a school teacher, University of Washington regent and chairwoman of United Way International.
Bill attended publi ...
One week after the first version of Bill Gates' "The Road Ahead" went on sale in November, 1995, Gates held a press conference in front of the international press, in which he announced an important change in Microsoft's strategy. Bill Gates said, that he would refocus his entire company on the Internet.
Less than one year later Gates has not only changed his company structure, but now delivered a largely rewritten "Internet version" of his be ...
In 2002 the OpenOffice.org community released the first version of their office environment available for major platforms and can for this not only be used on Windows machines, but also on Linux and Macintosh.
But is this project progressed sufficiently for its application in public and private environments? Can the free OpenOffice software packet offer an alternative to Microsoft's proprietary MSOffice?
In the report will be ...
1. Drucker allgemein
Drucker lassen sich in viele verschiedene Kategorien einteilen. Teilt man sie nach ihren grundlegenden Eigenschaften ein, unterscheidet man zwischen Impact- und Non-Impact-Druckern. Man unterscheidet "wie" die Zeichen aufs Papier kommen.
2. Non-Impact Drucker
Damit wird eine Vielzahl von Druckern angesprochen, die anschlagfrei arbeiten.
Das heißt man hat zum Beispiel nicht die Möglichkeit Durchschläge zu erhalt ...
Je älter der Computer, desto langsamer der Start? Das liegt oft nicht am Rechner sondern an der Vielzahl der installierten Programme und an überflüssigen Systemdateien. Zu einem schnelleren Start des PCs verhelfen folgende Tips:
Startdateien weglassen
Autoexec.bat in Autoexe.bat umbenennen
Config.sys in Confi.sys umbenennen
Nun werden diese beiden Startdateien nicht geladen, was einen großen Geschwindigkeitszuwachs bringt. Aber Achtung: A ...
In Windows 95 schlummern diverse Möglichkeiten die Geschwindigkeit des Systems zu verbessern:
Festplatte defragmentieren
Rechtsklick auf Festplatte und Eigenschaften wählen. Extras und "Jetzt optimieren" anwählen.
Windows kann Dateien und Programme schneller laden, da sie auf der Festplatte geordnet wurden.
Diverse Systemverbesserungen
Systemsteuerung, System, Leistungsmerkmale, Dateisystem und Festplatte bzw. CD-ROM klicken: Standardn ...
Die folgenden Tips sind eher "Schönheitschirurgie" für Windows, dennoch sehr praktisch.
Wenn man den Autostart beim einlegen einer CD-ROM verhindern will, hält man einfach die SHIFT Taste gedrückt, während das LED blinkt.
Der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses C:\\Windows\\Temp kann gelöscht werden. Windows speichert hier temporäre Dateien ab und löscht diese nicht immer.
Auf dem Desktop recht Maustaste drücken - Neu/Verknüpfung - \"rundll32.exe Us ...
Im Bereich Hardware hat sich in den letzten sieben Monaten sehr viel verändert. Neue Technologien eroberten den Markt, alte verschwanden. So wäre heute ein vor ca. sechs Monaten gekaufter Rechner (Pentium 200 MMX, 32 MB EDO RAM, 12 x CD-ROM, 4 MB Grafikkarte, 3,2 GB HDD, 15" Monitor) schon wieder veraltet. (Man kann zwar noch gut damit arbeiten, jedoch grafikaufwendige Software würde nicht mehr optimal laufen.)
A Trojan Horse is a program, which appears to be a useful tool but is able to do various things hidden in the background without the computer owner knowing. Trojan Horses have been named after the "Trojan Horse" in Greek Mythology; a wooden horse was left behind by Troy's besiegers. Not knowing that the Greek had been hiding inside the horse. The people of Troy moved the horse to the inside of the town to celebrate their victory. Once within Tr ...
Trojan Horses can inflict serious damage to a computer system. But how is it possible to detect an infection? There are different methods of finding out whether a Trojan Horse managed to infect a computer or not. One thing's for sure: if your computer begins to do funny things, without you even touching the mouse, the chances of being infected are nearly 100 percent. Harmless pranks like opening and closing the CD-ROM-tray or swapping the mouse ...
If a computer starts to do funny things, a Trojan Horse doesn't necessarily has to have something to do with it. But if programs, files or information start to disappear, it would be a good idea to check what's going on. If someone in a chatroom talks to you about information on your computer, the odds of being infected almost hit the roof. Time for a thorough system-check.
Removing Trojan Horses out of an infected system ...
There are different ways of protection against Trojan Horses:
1. Interception
This works similar to virus infections. Since Trojan Horses have to sneak their way in, they often are sent as attachments in emails. To check every attachment in an email, a functionally Trojan scanning software, able to detect the most common Trojan Horses, is essential. Meanwhile even Antivirus tools are able to detect Trojan infections. But you should prefer t ...
The most famous Trojan Horses are definately Sub7, Netbus and BackOrifice2000. This Trojans are so easy to handle and to configure, that even amateurs are able to inflict damage by using them. This makes it very easy to become a victim for unstable characters, which get offended in an internet chatroom or forum and feel the need to strike back in the only possible way: the virtual way, which, unfortunately seems to be pretty functional.
The ...