Just before a hearing against a departmental decision, the DSS lawyers falsify and invent a claim that a person who is appealing owes the department over $20,000.
How much prejudice and bias against the appealant can a stunt like this introduce into a hearing? Clearly more than the average judge can bear because in one such instance the judge spent five minutes deliberating on a matter of such complexity it would take a qualified person months.
We asked a solicitor what is the proper thing for a judge to do in this case. The solicitor replied that any claim of a debt has no relevance to the matter in question and should have been ignored - fair comment and oh how proper but what about human nature, human nature is not \"that objective\" and can not ignore an allegation of such scope. Further, to a mentally dyfunctional mind any decision in respect of \"relationships\" can throw such a state of mind into such an inner tumoil and anxiety - at a subconscious level - that they will completely ignore anything presented.