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  • Ungleichheit der inhalte von liberalismus und sozialismus...

    Dieser Abschnitt soll verdeutlichen, worin ob der beschriebenen Gemeinsamkeiten die unterschiedlichen Ansatzpunkte der beiden politischen Theorien bestehen. So verbindet sich der Liberalismus historisch primr mit der rechtlichen Besserstellung des Brgertums gegenber dem Staat, wobei quasi als \"Nebenprodukt\" der ethischen Begrndung mit dem von Natur aus mit Grundrechten ausgestatteten Menschen ein be¬merkenswer ...


  • Bei gleichzeitiger vereinbarkeit der politischen theorien

    Man darf nun aber nicht von den aufgelisteten unterschiedlichen Akzentsetzungen auf eine generelle Unvereinbarkeit schlieen. Zumeist handelt es sich um verschiedene Schwerpunkte, nicht aber um sich widersprechende Inhalte. Lediglich die Vorstellungen darber, wer denn im Besitz der Produktionsmittel zu sein hat, scheint mir unvereinbar. Gleich ist hingegen beiden eine Wertschtzung des Menschen und eine daraus ableitbare F ...


  • Sing me a death song- by jay bennett

    Marian Feldon, a young woman Will be executed for murder of her lover. Everyone, even her lawyer, is convinced of her guilt. Except for Jason. He knows his mother could never murder anyone. When he visits his mother in prison, she doesn\'t confess having murdered her lover to her son. Jason is desperate and doesn\'t want to admit that his mother has perpetrated the crime and risks anything to save his mother's life. The court convicts Marian Fe ...


  • Dead man walking - by sister helen prejean

    Chava Golon from the Prison Coalition asks Sister Helen Prejean to become a pen pale to a death - row inmate. She accepts and the first death - row inmate is Elmo Patrick Sonnier. On November 4,1977, he and his younger brother, Eddie abducted from a lovers\' lane a teenage couple, David Le Blanc and Loretta Bourque. They raped the gin, forced the young people to he face down, and shot them in the head. His younger brother Eddie is also at Angol ...


  • Birdman of alcatraz- by thomas e. gaddis

    Robert Stroud\'s troubles begin before he is born. Part of the trouble stem from his mother\'s family, and more from her unexpected pregnancy. Even at four, however he is remembered as an abstracted lonely boy. When he gets older, he begins to drift toward the life of the docks and sea. He meets sailors and lumberjacks. Their freedom attracts him. At 17 he installs electronical fixtures in the multiplying homes of new Seattle. He turns his earn ...


  • Alcatraz

    Alcatraz is an island in San Francisco Bay, the site of the famous prison of the same name. The island was discovered by the Spanish in 1545, and named in 1775 for its pelicans (in Spanish, alcatraces) Owned by the U.S. government since 1850, it was fortified and used as a military prison until 1933, when it became a federal prison. The prison was considered escape-proof because of its fortress like structure and the strong, cold currents in th ...


  • Prison

    A prison is a facility maintained for the confinement of convicted felons Until the l8th century, exile, execution, and various forms of corporal punishment were the most common penalties for criminal acts. Although jails were commonplace, imprisonment was viewed as a temporary ranged from workhouses for debtors (Bridewell in Britain and the Maison in Rome1 which was priarily designed to incarcerate incorrigible boys. Retribution was acknowledg ...


  • Development of u.s. prisons

    From the establishment of the Walnut Street Jail in Philadelphia (1790) through the development of the Auburn, N.Y. (1817), and Pennsylvania (1829> systems, the well-ordered, physically isolated prison was viewed as a mechanism to instil discipline, remove temptation, and rehabilitate the offender. In the Auburn system, prisoners were housed in separate cells at night, but worked together during the day; the Pennsylvania system isolated the off ...


  • The u.s. prison system today

    BY the end of 1988 the total number of convicted criminals U.S. federal and state prisons reached 628,000, the largest number ever incarcerated and an increase of some 90 percent over an 8-year period. (another 150,000 were awaiting trial in local prisoners.) The prison population expanded by about 7 percent duringl988, a rate of increase that would require the addition of more than 800 beds per week to U.S. degree, the national drug problem c ...


  • Prison life

    The male inmate is thrown into prolonged intimacy with other men and is forced to assume an aggressive posture and to maintain a constant wariness for his personal safety. Homosexual rape is a common occurrence in male prisons, with attacks generally made on vulnerable new inmates. In U.S. female prisons, inmate society is generally made up of informal pseudofamilies. Almost all inmates are part of a \"family\" and define predictable and sta ...


  • Legal rights of prisoners

    Early U.S. court decisions ruled that prisoners had forfeited all of the rights enjoyed by free citizens. Eventually, the courts recognised certain rights and legal remedies available to prisoners, who may now file their own suits, have direct access to the federal courts, and file writs of HA~US CORPUS and mandamus.(Under habeus corpus the prisoner may request release, transfer, or another remedy for some aspect of confinement. Mandamus is a c ...


  • Prison improvements and alternatives

    Attempts to aid the prisoner\'s return to society have to the development of several innovative programs. The goal of conjugal visitations is to keep marriages intact by permitting social and sexual contact between prisoners and wives. Furloughs provide home visits of 48-72 hours for a prisoner nearing his release date; they are intended, to aid in restoring family ties and in job seeking. The work release program permits inmates to test their ...


  • Caital punishment

    Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty, and since ancient times it has been used to punish a wide variety of offences. The Bible prescribes death for murder and many other crimes, including kidnapping and witchcraft. By 1500 in England, only major felonies carried the death penalty: treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. By 1800, however, Parliament had enacted many new capital offences, and hundreds of p ...


  • Punishment

    Punishment describes the imposition by same authority of a deprivation-usually painful-an a person who has violated a law, rule, or other norm. When the violation is of the criminal law of society there is a formal process of accusation and proof followed by imposition of a sentence by a designated official, usually a judge. Informally, any organised group-most typically the family, in rearing children-may punish per¬ceived wrongdoers. Becau ...


  • Probation and parole

    Probation is a conditional sentence imposed an a convicted offender by the court, which requires supervision by a probation officer in lieu of incarceration. Parole, the early prison release of an offender after the completion of a portion of the sentence, is a key factor in the indeterminate sentence. Like probation, release an parole is conditional and if the offender violates the conditions or commits a new crime, the parole can be revoked a ...


  • Sir karl popper

    Sir Karl Raimund Popper (1902-1994) war englischer Philosoph und Wissenschaftstheoretiker österreichischer Abstammung. Er wurde insbesondere durch seine Forschungen zur wissenschaftlichen Methodik und seine Kritik am historischen Determinismus bekannt; darüber hinaus gilt er als Begründer des kritischen Rationalismus. Er hat auch im Wiener Kreis mitgewirkt. Alle diese Begriffe werde ich später noch erklären jetzt zuerst einmal eine grobe Biogr ...


  • Jetzt noch eine genauere biographie

    1902 : Geboren am 28. Juli in Wien 1918-1928: Studium an der Universität Wien 1920-1922: Tischlerlehre in Wien 1928: Promotion zum Dr. der Philosophie. an der Universität Wien 1930: Hauptschullehrer (Mathematik, Physik) in Wien 1934: Veröffentlichung des Buches: Logik der Forschung 1935-1936: Einladungen zu Vorlesungen und Vorträgen in Prag, Brüssel, Paris, London 1945: Veröffentlichung des Buches: The Open Society and Its Enemies ...


  • Der kritische rationalismus

    Er hat seine Wurzeln bei Kant, dem Wiener Kreis und Einstein. Wichtige Vertreter sind auch H. Albert und P. Feyerabend. Grundzüge: 1. Vernunft ist prinzipiell Fehlbar. Dadurch hat die Erkenntnis nur hypothetischen Charakter. Es gibt nur eine Idee der Wahrheit an die nur eine Annäherung möglich ist. Das heißt es gibt nur eine relative Wahrheit. 2. Popper vertritt die Idee der rationalen Kritik und des konsequenten Kritizismus. Alle The ...


  • Ethik für intellektuelle

    Der Wahrheitssuche muss immer eine Diskussion vorangehen. Es gibt 3 Prinzipien: Prinzip der Fehlbarkeit Es kann: Ich nicht recht haben, mein Diskussionspartner nicht recht haben, oder es können beide nicht recht haben. Prinzip der vernünftigen Diskussion Der homo criticus wird definiert: Er muss tolerant, kritikbereit, weltoffen und in einer allgemeinen Sprache sprechen. Das Ziel ist die Wahrheit. Das eben beschriebene ist der Proto ...


  • Die offene gesellschaft und ihre feinde

    Dieses Buch gilt als Jahrhundertwerk auf den Gebieten der Sozialphilosophie und der politischen Theorie. Es ist ein Standarttext zur Kritik an antidemokratischen Denkformen und zur philosophischen Rechtfertigung der liberalen pluralistischen Demokratie. Am Beispiel der großen Denker Plato Hegel und Marx diskutiert Popper die Verführungskraft von Ideologien mit ihren utopistischen Heilsversprechungen und radikalistischen Revolutionsvorstellungen ...



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