What do you feel? Pity... guilt... fear? These are widespread feelings. And they are useless. Forget them! Disabled people don't want them. They don't do any good. So what do people with disabilities want? There are lots of ways of finding out. For instance asking them is a good start...
Just because something about you doesn't work properly doesn't mean that you should be labelled by it. Some people have impairments. They experience disability. That is, they are prevented from playing a full and equal part in the community because of the barriers society places in their way. They aren't just physical but also financial, legal and social.
Imagine talking to a friend in town, having a drink and minding your own business. And a woman comes up to you, says a few words and drops some money into your coke can. Well, that's just one of the joys of using a wheelchair to get around... Or did you know that bars and restaurants can refuse admission to the disabled just because they don't like the way they look? Bizarre, isn't it?
There are not only the surly waitresses or trains with narrow doors. There are buildings without ramps, pavements with high kerbs, shops with unreachable counters and taxi drivers who will not take guide dogs.