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wirtschaft artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Other peacekeeping missions and the unicef

The U.N. are represented everywhere on the globe. Cyprus and Rwanda are the best known long-term peacekeeping missions with different success.
The U.N. subordinated organization, the UNICEF (UN Children's Fund), which is purposed to help children and young persons with health care, feeding and education primary in developing (third-world) countries, is one of the most important U.N. organization in third-world countries. It\'s no military part of the U.N. but is helping people who are victims of war. So many human lives are saved and that\'s, so I think, one of the most important responsibilities of the U.N. The peaceful solutions for international quarrels was not the strength of the U.N. in the past 10 years. Maybe this belongs to the financial problems. My opinion is, that without the U.N. world peace has no chance today.


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