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  • The tobacco habit

    The history of tobacco Tobacco was introduced into England in the 16th century. Cigarettes were unknown and people who smoked used pipes. Tobacco can be chewed or inhaled as snuff. The habit of taking snuff was common in the late 17th century and during the 18th century, but has now largely died out. Cigars and cigarettes were introduced during the 19th century, but pipe smoking remained the most popular form of smoking until this centur ...


  • The choice is yours smoking, drinking

    If you smoke: . If you haven't started smoking, don't. Some of your friends or other people at school may smoke themselves and encourage you or dare you to try it. Saying "NO" is sensilbe not cowardly. . If you've already started smoking, try to give it up while you're young. The longer you smoke, the worse your chances are, and the more difficult it is to give up. . If you have to smoke some form of tobacco, smoke a pipe, or cigar. ...


  • Alcohol-

    Alcohol is a part of most people's lives from their teens onwards. Experimentation with alcohol begins at an early age, typically in the form of a glass of wine shared with parents. Children's behaviour and attitudes are strongly influenced by their parents and the world around them, particularly as portrayed in the media. And like the portrayal of violence the portrayal of drinking leads to imitation. It's the parents responsibility to teach t ...


  • Drugs- -

    People take drugs because they have a weak personality and because they are inadequate in some way. They take them to escape from their problems. A pusher tricks them into trying drugs so that he can make them addicted and then sell them drugs for a high profit. They take them for pleasure because they like the effects. (because of curiosity, fashion, in with crowd, opportunity) To rebel against their parents and the rest of society. Take i ...


  • Aldous huxley: brave new world

    THE AUTHOR Aldous Huxley was born in 1894, the third son of Leonard Huxley and the grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley (an important disciole of Darwin). His mother, who died when Aldous was fourteen, was the niece of niece of Matthew Arnold (a Victorian poet); the philosopher Sir Julian Huxley was his brother. In 1916 Aldous Huxley took a first in English at Balliol College, Oxford, despite a condition of near-blindness which had developed ...


  • Aldous huxley: brave new world revisited

    THE AUTHOR Aldous Huxley was born in 1894, the third son of Leonard Huxley and the grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley (an important disciole of Darwin). His mother, who died when Aldous was fourteen, was the niece of niece of Matthew Arnold (a Victorian poet); the philosopher Sir Julian Huxley was his brother. In 1916 Aldous Huxley took a first in English at Balliol College, Oxford, despite a condition of near-blindness which had developed whi ...


  • Alice walker: the color purple

    The author: Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944 in a small town in Georgia, USA as the eighth child of a poor family. Her and her parents' experiences with racism in the South of the USA deeply influenced Walker's writing. When she was eight, one of her brothers accidentally shot her in one eye, blinding her forever. Since she felt ashamed, she isolated herself from other people. In 1961 she received a scholarship for disabled students ...


  • Biographie von alice walker

    Alice Walker wird am 9. Februar 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia, geboren. Sie ist das achte und jüngste Kind von Willie Lee und Minnie Tallulah Grant Walker. Ihre Eltern verdienen ihr Geld als Landarbeiter. Als Walker acht Jahre alt ist, erblindet sie auf dem rechten Auge in Folge eines Unfalls während des Spielens mit ihrem Bruder Bill. 1961, nach Beendigung der High School, erhält sie ein Stipendium des Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia. Dort bete ...


  • Inhaltsangabe zu "the color purple"

    Celie schreibt Briefe an Gott. Sie hat niemanden anderen, dem sie schreiben kann. Ihre Mutter ist in geistiger Umnachtung gestorben und ihr Stiefvater, von dem sie glaubt, ihr wahrer Vater zu sein, mißbraucht sie. Er nimmt ihr auch ihre beiden Kinder Olivia und Adam fort und gibt sie zu befreundeten Missionaren, Corinne und Samuel. Olivia und Adam sind das Ergebnis der Vergewaltigungen von Celie durch ihren Stiefvater. Celies leiblicher Vater ...


  • Das eurozentrische geschlechtermodell und die love and trouble tradition

    Eins der zentralen Themen in "The Color Purple" ist das antagonistische Verhältnis zwischen Mann und Frau, das stark von Gewalt geprägt wird, die "Love and Trouble Tradition" (siehe P. Hill Collins "Black Feminist Thought", NY: Routledge 1991). Zur Erklärung dieses Verhältnisses ist es zunächst notwendig, das zugrunde liegende sogenannte Eurozentrische Geschlechtermodell näher zu betrachten. Dieses Modell basiert auf zwei Grundlagen, zum ein ...


  • Männerbilder in "the color purple"

    Die folgenden drei Darstellungen der Romanfiguren Mr. ____, Harpo und Samuel sollen anhand von Textbeispielen die Vielschichtigkeit der Charaktere aus Alice Walkers "The Color Purple" aufzeigen. Diese Beschreibungen sind notwendig für ein tieferes Verständnis der Personen und somit des Buches und ermöglichen im Anschluß den Einstieg in eine Diskussion über eventuelle stereotype Rollenverteilungen. Mr. ____/Albert Mr. ____/Albert ist i ...


  • Das eurozentrische geschlechtermodell und die love and trouble tradition in alice walkers "the color purple"

    Im Verlauf dieser Ausarbeitung sind bisher sowohl das Eurozentrische Geschlechtermodell sowie die Love and Trouble Tradition als auch Alice Walkers "The Color Purple", mit besonderem Schwerpunkt der Darstellung des Männerbildes anhand der Charakterisierungen Mr. ____s, Harpos und Samuels, vorgestellt worden. Im folgenden Abschnitt soll nun versucht werden festzustellen, inwiefern die Love and Trouble Tradition und das Eurozentrische Geschlechte ...


  • Reaktionen auf "the color purple"

    Der folgende Abschnitt befaßt sich mit Reaktionen zu Alice Walkers "The Color Purple". Als Quelle soll Alice Walkers 1996 erschienenes Buch "The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult" dienen. Darin werden die Geschehnisse und die Erlebnisse der Autorin in der Zeit nach der Veröffentlichung ihres Buches "The Color Purple" sowie nach der Verfilmung dokumentiert. An dieser Stelle soll jedoch hauptsächlich auf die Diskussion über das Männerbild ...


  • Persönliche stellungnahmen

    Christian Rohlfing: In diesem Abschnitt will ich auf meine persönlichen Gedanken zu Alice Walkers Roman "The Color Purple" und dabei schwerpunktmäßig auf die angesprochenen Themen wie dem Männerbild, den Rollenverhältnissen zwischen Mann und Frau und den Reaktionen zu dem Buch eingehen. Des weiteren bietet mir diese persönliche Stellungnahme auch die Möglichkeit bisher noch nicht erwähnte, mir jedoch wichtig erscheinende Aspekte zu behan ...


  • Go ask alice (by anonymous)

    By reading the first two pages of this book you tend to believe, that Alice is a teenager like you and me. She has to face the same problems everyone of us has to. For example she worries about her boyfriend Roger and she thinks about doing a diet. Anyway I forgot to tell you a little bit about Alice herself. Alice is a fifteen year old girl from a middle-classed family. She has got a brother and a sister. So you see, everything seems to be nor ...


  • Alice's adventures in wonderland

    The Author: Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898) is a pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson who was born on 27th January, 1832 in Yorkshire. From 1855 to 1881 he was a mathematical lecturer at Oxford, where he was a somewhat eccentric and withdrawn character. He was most comfortable when with children, especially little girls in whose company his usual stammer completely disappeared. His most famous works are "Alice\'s Adventures in Wonderland" (publ ...


  • Australia- -

    Early History: The Dutch seem to have discovered Australia, Abel Tasman was the discoverer in 1642. The Dutch named the continent New Holland, but they didn´t occupey it. In 1768, Captain James Cook came to Australia. In 1783 the first penal settlement was established. Criminals were sent to this penal settlements in Australia, because the Americans didn´t accept the british criminals no longer.In 1850 the large majority of people were convic ...


  • All my sons by arthur miller - act one

    Summary of events It is a Sunday morning in the backyard of the Keller home. The house lies in the outskirts of an American town and the time is soon after the Second World War. Joe Keller is a middle-aged business man whose factory produced aeroplane parts during the war. Chris Keller, Joe's son, comes into the yard with his father and sits down to read the newspaper. We soon become aware of how different father and son are when they start to ...


  • All my sons by arthur miller - act two

    Summary of events It is the same evening and Kate is worried about George's visit. She is afraid that the case will be opened up again; she remembers all too well that Steve never gave up his assertion that Joe made him cover up the cracks in the cylinder heads. She is convinced that the whole Deever family hates them and wants Ann to go home with George. Chris tells her not to worry. Left alone with Ann, he promises he will tell Kate about the ...


  • All my sons summary

    Mr. Keller is the owner of a factory. He has lost Larry, one of his two sons in the war and his younger son Chris wants to marry Larry's girl. The girl, Ann, can't forgive her father, who is in prison for selling cracked cylinder heads and causing 21 planes to crash, neither can her brother, George. Mr. Keller tries to explain the whole affair saying that it wasn't only their father's fault. Then George rings up his sister and tells her that he ...



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