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  • Religion in australia

    The religion of the Aborigines is based on the stories of their origin, the so called dreamtime. The Expression \"Dreamtime\" is most often used to refer to the \"time before time\" or the \"time of the creation of all things\". Ancestral spirits came down to earth in human or other forms and the land, the plants and animals were given their form as we know them today. These spirits also established the relationships between groups and ind ...


  • Art in australia

    Aborigines produced some of the earliest art in the world and art continues to play a major role in aboriginal culture, particularly as it relates to spirituality. Aboriginal art has also recorded in vivid detail many aspects of Aboriginal life in the distant past. Works of art were important parts of totemic and burial rituals. Rock Art is the artistic tradition for which Aborigines are perhaps best known. In different regions and at diff ...


  • Language in australia

    Before European settlers arrived in Australia, Aborigines may have spoken up to 250 distinct languages, not including the different dialects. The Aboriginal groups compose their own distinct linguistic group with no close links to any mainland Southeast Asian group. Most Aboriginal languages belong to the language family classified as Australian. The largest group within this family is Pamanyungan. In the past, neighbouring Aboriginal groups ...


  • Social organisation in australia

    Before the arrival of the Europeans, Aboriginal societies organised themselves in a variety of ways, differing in terms of what roles individual members and subgroups performed in work, decision making, ceremonies and many other aspects of their daily life. However all Aboriginal societies also had several characteristics in common. They were essentially egalitarian, no one had significantly higher status than anyone else. With this egalit ...


  • Aboriginal lore

    Lore specifically identifies the facts and stories about a particular subject or topic. On the other hand law is a body of rules which a community recognises as being binding on their members. Traditional Aboriginal people learnt the laws of their tribe through their lores. In other words the rules and regulations which governed their lives were learned by individual Aboriginal people in the process of socialisation. ...


  • European settlement and its effects in australia

    Dutch, Spanish, French and British ships first sailed into Australian waters in the 16th and 17th centuries. The British continued to survey Australian territories into the 18th century. From 1768 to 1771 the British explorer James Cook surveyed many regions of Australia and when he landed on an island off the South-eastern coast, he claimed for Britain all of the mainland territory of New South Wales - then designated as the entire wester ...


  • The stolen generation; the treatment of aboriginal children in the australian society

    4.1. Colonisation and the first removal of Aboriginal children Responsible for the first removal of Aboriginal children and the reason for the childrenfs theft at all is the progress of Australiafs colonisation at the end of the 18th century. In the first decades of the European settlement there was hardly any contact between Whites and Aborigines. When the colonists went further inland to find new pastureland for their cattl ...


  • The rise of aboriginal rights

    In 1938 a group of aborigines gathered in Sydney, New South Wales, to declare a Day of Mourning for the fate of their people. This action began an era of Aboriginal activism and a rights movement that has continued until today. Several decades passed before the Commonwealth and state governments adopted Aboriginal rights policies. A long history of disenfranchisement has left may Aborigines poor, unemployed, uneducated, sick and homeless. ...


  • Irländische fabel wesen

    Jeder Satz, 2 Fehler. Ohne Scheiss. Les dir alles durch. An einer Stelle ist es etwas unklar. Da sind Fragezeichen. Ich schwarz. Du blau, Ok? Ruf an, falls ich noch was wissen muss. Druck 2 mal aus und lösch das, was ich hier oben geschrieben habe. Danke. Bis morgen. The Irish had, or had 3 Gods 1. Fomori: Ocean demons 2. Tuatha de Dannan: noble gods 3. Meliesiern: More believed than the church · F ...


  • Michael jordan

    Do you know the movie " space jam"? Who plays there the leading man? Michael Jordan was born on the 17th of February in 1963.He started playing basketball when he was young and played although the high school and college. He made his first appearance (apirenz-erscheinung) in 1982 when he scored the decisive (dieseisiff-entscheidenden) basket for his college-team. In 1984 MJ won the Olympic-gold-medal with the US-BB-Team in LA. ...


  • America dreams- america the beautiful, the new colossus, dirty blvd, american dream - song analyse

    American Dreams 1. "America the Beautiful" is a very positive and patriotic song. Katherine Lee Bates is the songwriter and she puts a lot of emotions and truths in this important song. She describes the prettiness and the fascinating things of this `beautiful` country. The poem "The New Colossus", written by Emma Lazarus, is also very positive. The text represents the `Statue of Liberty` as a symbol for maternal love and ...


  • Quotes by muhammad ali

    Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. - Muhammad Ali, in \"Time\", 1978 "me, we" \"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee\" - Muhammad Ali \"I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there will ever be\"--Muhammad Ali \"I sought advice and cooperation from all those around me ~ but not permission.\"-Muhammad Ali \"A man with no im ...


  • Leben und schaffen von j.r.r. tolkien

    Vortrag J.R.R. Tolkien Gliederung: 1. Leben und Biographie 2. Werke 3. Zitat 4. eigene Meinung Leben und Biographie: Allgemein: - der Name kommt von seinen Groß-und Urgroßvätern - Tolkiens kamen eigentlich aus Deutschland - waren erst seit ein paar Generationen Engländer - 3. Januar 1892 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in Südafrika geboren. - 1895 zieht seine Mutter Marbel Suffield mit ihm und seinem Bruder nach England (Umgebung von Birmingham). - Anf ...


  • New york - the big apple

    New-York New York, or also Big Apple mentioned, belongs for us to the most exciting cities of the world. We were in the middle of there Decembers for 1 week and experienced the New Yorker ones in the full vorweihnachtlichen consumer intoxication, an experience of the extra class. But except Shopping it gives to undertake naturally still much much more. A travel with the Circle LINE over one-had around or however a helicopter round flight ...


  • Tankerunfälle und billigflaggenländer

    Irland Einführung - eine britische Insel - westlichste und 2.- größte im Norden des Atlantik - wird in Nordirland und Republik Irland unterteilt - nordirland gehört zu Großbritannien - ist in 4 historische Provinzen untergliedert Connought, Leinster, Munster, Ulster - besteht aus 26 Counties Land - Westküste sehr buchtenreich - viele überflutete Täler - Steilküsten - 100e kleine Inseln - viele bedeut ...


  • West side story

    The composer Leonard Bernstein - born on 25.08.1018 in Lawrence, Massachusetts - successful as a composer, conductor, musician - many awards like the "Emmy Award" - died on 14.10.1990 in New York The story: Maria is in love with Tony, but they are from two different street gangs, the Jets (Americans) and the Sharks (Puerto Ricans). As Maria´s brother Berdando stabbed Tony´s friend Riff in ...


  • Biographie - jack london

    - Biographie - Ein Überleben Das kurze Leben des Jack London Von Reinhard Wissdorf Die Stadt Oakland liebt es, sich mit Jack London und seiner Aura zu schmücken . Es gibt einen Jack London Square, eine Jack London Street und diverse Wohnhäuser mit Gedenktafeln dran. Noch mehr von seinem Ruhm profitiert der kleine Ort Glen Ellen in Sonoma - mit seiner Beauty Ranch, heute Jack London State Historic Park. Und au ...


  • The client

    "The Client" was written by John Grisham. The man persons are: Mark Sway, an eleven-year-old boy who knows a terrible secret. Ricky is his little brother. Reggie Love is a 52-year-old woman who is a lawyer. Barry the Blade is a member of the Mafia in New Orleans. Jerome Clifford is Barry's lawyer. Roy Foltrigg is a US government lawyer. He thinks that Mark has a secret. Mark and Ricky are in the woods to have a smo ...


  • Sydney

    Bibliography: Polygott Reiseführer: Sydney und Ost-Australien Michael Möbius: Sydney,... selbst entdecken Ester Blank, Urs Wälterlin: Australien, Sydney Peter Carey: Gebrauchsanleitung für Sydney (picture) (picture) (picture) (picture) (picture) SYDNEY Sydney is Australia's largest city and it ...


  • Dear nobody written by berlie doherty

    The book \"Dear Nobody\" of Berlie Doherty deals with a teenage love between Helen and Chris. They both have big plans for the future, but then they find out that Helen is pregnant. Can their relationship survive this pressure? Their families don\'t help much, and the two have to learn dealing with their new circumstances. To help herself to deal with the shock, her fears and her anger, Helen writes letters to her unborn baby which she calls N ...



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