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  • The us in the 50s

    1950 In the Korea-war the US took over the management of the UN-troops. Nearly 55,000 Americans died 1951 The US, Australia and New Zealand founded the ANZUS-safety pact. In San Francisco the US an further 47 states made a peace treaty with Japan 5. April 1951 In Minneapolis the first open heart surgery was made with the help of a lung machine. Inventor of this machine and the operator was the doctor Clarence Dennis. ...


  • Stephen king

    Stephen Edwin King wurde am 21.09.1947 als Sohn von Donald und Nellie Ruth in Portland (Maine) geboren. 2 Jahre später verließ Donald King seine Familie und kehrte nie wieder zurück. Schon mit sieben Jahren begann Stephen Geschichten zu schreiben entdeckte aber erst 5 Jahre später sein Interesse an Horrorgeschichten und als er 14 war, brachte er mit einem Freund zusammen bereits ein Heftchen mit 18 Kurzgeschichten heraus. Sie nannten es "Peopl ...


  • The hound of the baskervilles-

    The Hound of the Baskervilles About the book The book is cut into 15 chapters and includes 91 pages. It is written in the simple past. On some pages there are illustrations to explain the action for the readers. It was first published in 1902. About the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived since 1859 by 1930. He studied medicine and worked as a doctor until 1891. In 1902 he was knighted after working with a field hospital during the South African ...


  • American dream - the american dream

    The American Dream evolved out of the hope for freedom, independence and wealth. It represents a combination new and old values and virtues, the settlers brought with them to the new continent. Led by hope, they started by without anything, forming and shaping one of the most advanced countries in the world. The historical context is the most important factor to understand the self-esteem of an American and their American Dream. ...


  • Propaganda during world war 2

    In general propaganda means the distribution of information for a special aim. But those information are often wrong or incomplete. In common propaganda means the demoralisation of one?s enemies during wartime or the moralisation of one?s own population. The author always wants the people to support his or her aims for the stabilisation of his or her power. It began in the election campaign of the NSDAP where thousands of posters were printed whi ...


  • China set integration

    The China Set In dieser Geschichte geht es um ein junges Mädchen, dessen Lebensweise und Lebenseinstellung deutlich zeigt, dass sie an einer Integration in jeder Hinsicht interessiert ist. Aus diesem Grund hat sie auch oftmals Konflikte mit ihrem Vater, der noch sehr auf altmodische und vor allem indische Tradition wert legt. Aus diesem Grund gibt es oft diese Interessenskonflikte, da Mr Desai strict to his tradition ist und closed mind ...


  • Less-developed countries

    The different nations can be divided up into three parts: - developed or industrialized, - developing countries - and less-developed countries. I want to turn your attention to the less-developed countries, whose living-standard is very small. Characteristics: Demographic and social features: - rapidly increasing population - insufficient medical care ...


  • The sunnies - summary of the chapter: the sunnies

    Billy tolds his story to Dick. It's about a woman who wanted him to find her son. Billy needs the help of Dick. He tolds her wll things what he knows about this guy. At first Dick does not want to help Billy. But in the end she would help him. So Billy must told her the whole truth, that the guy is joining the Sunnies. Dick wasn't enthusiastic about this information. But she had said, that she would find him. ...


  • Get away from it all - muster für eine urlaubs / hotel broschüre

    Get away from it all If you really want an exciting holiday, a stay at a British castle might be the answer. British castles which have suffered through wars and revolutions are now a nice attraction for tourists. If you want to see the sun rising over the huge lake lying in front of our hotel in the larger bedrooms. And if you want to be woken up by the birds singing in the old trees every morning or enjoy the wind blowing softly through your wi ...


  • The missing diamond ring

    It was monday morning, when the phone rang. I didn't hear it, because I was reading the newspaper and drinking some coffee, so my partner Michael, who has his desk on the other side of the room, answered the phone. I was reading an article about missing dogs, when my partner said: \"Let's go, there is some work for us to do in Park Street 140!\" Michael told me that a diamond ring was missing. When we got to the house, I saw a big villa with a ...


  • William golding - lord of the flies

    William Gerald Golding was born on September 19th, 1911 in Cornwall England. His father was a schoolmaster. His parents had wanted him to study science, so he did from grammar school until the second year of college. After his second year of college, he abandoned the study of science in favour of English literature. He wrote poetry and worked in amateur theatre for a while before becoming a teacher. William Golding\'s first nov ...


  • Short answers - kurzantworten

    Das Antworten mit "yes" und "no" im normalen Sprachgebrauch ungewöhnlich sind, werden Kurzantworten verwendet, um zu vermeiden, dass man bei Entscheidungsfragen (ja/nein) den Inhalt des ganzen Satzes noch einmal wiederholen muss. Beispiel : Do you live in London ? Yes, I do. Bildungsweise Die Bildung dieser Kurzantworten unterliegt zwei Regeln: Regel 1: Das Hilfsverb ...


  • William blake (1757-1827)

    Biographical information Given name: William Family name: Blake Birth date: 28 November 1757 Death date: 12 August 1827 Nationality: English Family relations wife: Catherine Blake (from 1782) Language: English Education Par\'s drawing school, Strand: 1767 Royal Academy: 1778 Literary period: Romantic Occupation: Engraver Residences Golden Square: 1757 Leicester Fields: 1782 ...


  • Ireland - dictionary

    A Armagh: Armagh is built on numerous hills and has been the seat of the Catholic primacy of all Ireland since the days of St Patrick, who built his first church there. There are two important churches on the hills of Armagh: St Patrick\'s Church of Ireland Cathedral stands on the site of the cathedral built by St Patrick; and St Patrick\'s Roman Catholic Cathedral, with its twin spires, raises from another hill. B Blarney Castl ...


  • London - english facts

    London General Facts - is situated in the South-East of England - lies western from the Themsemouth - capital of Great Britain - there live neary 7-8 Mio people - City of London was former Londinium - today this part is the business an financial part of London with an area of 2,7 km² - Great London, that is City od London and the 32 district = 1580 km² ...


  • Signalwörter für zeiten

    Signalwörter fürs Present Tense (Gegenwart): sometimes often every day, (morning, week, .) always on Mondays, . Present Tense Continuous: look ...


  • Aboriginies

    Aboriginal flag: BLACK SKIN - RED EARTH - YELLOW SUN The Aboriginal flag is divided horizontally into two equal halves of black (top) and red (bottom), with a yellow circle in the centre. The black symbolises Aboriginal people and the yellow represents the sun, the constant renew of life. Red depicts the earth, which is used by Aboriginal People in ceremonies. Today the flag has been adopted by ...


  • Abraham lincoln--

    Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th.February 1809 in Hodgenvill in Kentucky. His father was farmer and worker. His mother Nancy died, when he was nine. But his father married Sarah Bush again. Abraham didn´t go to school very often, because he has to help on a farm.He learned mainly from books, which he read. He started a new life, when he came to a businessman. This man opened a shop and young Lincoln worked as a shop assistant. In his free time ...


  • The canterville ghost

    When Mr. Otis, the American ambassador bought the Canterville chase, everyone told him that he was doing a very foolish mistake, because they all think that the castle was haunted. Even Lord Canterville, who was a man with a punctilious sense of honour had warned Mr. Otis, because his family didn't want to live there since his great aunt was frightened by the ghost. But Mr. Otis smashed this comments with not much arguments, because he was of t ...


  • Independence day

    Independence Day Independence Day is celebrated every year in the U.S. on July 4th. It commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The first Independence Day was celebrated in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. This is when the declaration was read aloud. Parades, patriotic speeches, fireworks and pageants are all ways of celebrating today. Many families celebrate the Fourth of July by having picnics and going to the beach. You will a ...



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