Two weeks after begging for a non literary work, Harper and Brothers in New York published Poe\'s first book of fiction. A 200 page volume entitled \"The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket\". The publishing had been delayed for about a year, to July 1838, because of the economic depression, and a pirated version appeared in London a few months later.
Pym was a classic adventure story, bringing the hero into trouble frequently and l ...
Poe had for years tried to publish a book as \"Tales of the Folio Club\" but abandoned that idea and published a collection entitled \"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque\" in December 1839. It was published in two volumes making a total of about 500 pages and 25 tales.
Even though neither these volumes nor his work for Burton\'s paid much money it enriched Poe\'s reputation. he got praised for his magazine writings in dozens of periodicals ...
George Rex Graham (see image on top of page), owner of the magazine Casket, bought Burton\'s magazine for $3500 per subscriber and started the publishing of Graham\'s Lady\'s and Gentleman\'s Magazine (the Casket and Gentleman\'s United) in 1841. In one year circulation went from 5000 issues to about 25000.
Poe did not like what Graham published even though it was a huge success. But after eight months without work Poe accepted Graham\'s off ...
In the April 1841 issue of Graham\'s Poe published \"The Murders in the Rue Morgue\", it is said to be the first modern detective story since nothing like it had ever been published before. The nearest to a detective story to be found would be Voltaire\'s 1748 \"Zadig\". Poe referred to this new literary style as \"tales of ratiocination\", the word detective didn\'t even exist at the time.
Problems with crime was spreading out in the US and ...
(Fall 1841 - April 1844)
Graham\'s prospered with Poe and the number of copies in circulation went from 5500 up to 40,000, and it was planned to increase to 50,000. Poe gained a good reputation from his cryptography series, \"The Murders in the Rue Morgue\", and his criticism, as a master of German (Gothic) horror and as a literary wizard. Even though he was such a success Poe felt that he could not express his creativity with Graham\'s and ...
During this time Virginia began to feel ill. Edgar had encouraged her singing and according to Muddy she had become a \"perfect musician.\" But in January 1842 Virginia was bleeding from her mouth when she sang. She was in the early stages of tuberculosis.
Virginia\'s illness took Poe very hard and he made everything he could to help her. Every cough from her made him shudder. His marriage to Virginia had meant a lot to Poe. It managed to ke ...
Poe published several revisions of old poems and also a few new ones. One of them, which seemed influenced by Virginia\'s illness, was \"Lenore\", which handles the subject of as how you should act when a young woman dies. In \"The Conqueror Worm\" like in \"The Mask of the Red Death\" dead means really dead, and it shows of Poe\'s spirits during Virginia\'s illness.
During the last year in Philadelphia Poe published \"The Pit and the Pendu ...
Edgar Allan Poe, son of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., born 19th of January 1809, was mostly known for his poems and short tales and his literary criticism. He has been given credit for inventing the detective story and his pshycological thrillers have been infuences for many writers worldwide.
Edgar and his brother and sister were orphaned before Edgar\'s third birthday and Edgar was taken in to the home of John and Fanny Allan ...
Poe\'s life is often described in his short stories and letters, especially the long beginnings of his stories are typical for the author. It sometimes seems like that Poe\'s biography is a story written by himself. During his childhood many members of the family have died, these circumstances strongly influenced him and his style of writing.
His father was known as a drinker, also Poe suffered a little from alcohol. His mother and brother a ...
WW is one of the most impressing stories of Edgar Allan Poe. It was published in 1840 in the book \"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque\". This \"double-story\" is masterly composed but contains many problems. It seems that it is no story that has been written very fast but very well compsed and reconsidered. It contains many biographic elements. It is interesting that Poe worked out many elements of parapsychology which in his ...
WW is one of the most impressing stories of Edgar Allan Poe. It was published in 1840 in the book \"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque\". This \"double-story\" is masterly composed but contains many problems. It seems that it is no story that has been written very fast but very well compsed and reconsidered. It contains many biographic elements. It is interesting that Poe worked out many elements of parapsychology which in his ...
Someday the Internet may become an information superhighway, but right now it is more like a 19th-century railroad that passes through the badlands of the Old West. As waves of new settlers flock to cyberspace in search for free information or commercial opportunity, they make easy marks for sharpers who play a keyboard as deftly as Billy the Kid ever drew a six-gun.
It is difficult even for those who ply it every day to appreciate how ...
Nach einem 22stündigen Flug von Wien über Singapur nach Sydney, standen wir (Walter Andlinger und Dietmar Koblbauer, zwei erfahrene Kosmopoliten) physisch angeschlagen und ziemlich ratlos in der Ankunftshalle herum und warteten was passieren würde. Wenig später saßen wir müde aber bei bester Laune, in einem Bus, der uns in die Stadt brachte. Der Busfahrer, ein älterer Herr, ließ es sich nicht nehmen, uns bis vor die Haustüre unseres Hotels zu b ...
Der Weg zum Hafen führte uns vorbei an alten viktorianischen Häusern und modernen Glaspalästen, die nur noch vom Sydney Tower überragt wurden. Es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis wir an jenem Punkt im Hafen ankamen, an dem wohl jeder Australientourist einmal vorbeikommt, am Mrs. Macquaries Point, von wo man einen wunderbaren Ausblick auf das Opernhaus und die Harbour Bridge im Hintergrund hat.
Das Opernhaus mit seiner eigenwilligen Dachkonstruk ...
Schier endlos erschien das Meer der Häuserfronten, als wir die Stadt in Richtung 'Blue Mountain', einem etwa 120 km westlich gelegenen Hochplateau, verließen. Nach anfänglichen Umstellungsschwierigkeiten wegen des Linksverkehrs, ging die Fahrt nun zügig weiter.
Unsere Stimmung erreichte einen ersten Höhepunkt, als wir endlich auf dem 'Great Western Highway' durch kleine verschlafene Dörfer mit meist einstöckigen, buntbemalten Holzhäusern fuh ...
Wir folgten dem 'Great Western Highway' bis Bathurst und schlugen dann den Weg Richtung Norden ein. Dabei versuchten wir stundenlang einen Ort namens Illford zu erreichen, der auf der Straßenkarte als größere Ortschaft eingezeichnet war. Dort angekommen mußten wir feststellen, daß Illford nur aus einer Handvoll bescheidener Holzhäuser, verrosteten Wellblechhütten und alten Autokarossen bestand.
Im weiter nördlich gelegenen 'Wollemi Nationalp ...
Wir fuhren westlich der 'Great Dividing Range', auf dem 'New England Highway' immer Richtung Norden. Riesige Weideflächen wechselten mit Waldgebieten ab, in denen das Grillengeschrei schon fast unerträglich laut durch das geöffnete Autofenster hereindrang.
Leider fiel schon am dritten Tag die Klimaanlage des Autos aus und wir waren gezwungen, bei geöffneten Fenstern zu fahren, was dazu führte, daß sich schon bald eine rote Staubschicht über ...
Abends erreichten wir den Washpool Nationalpark zwischen Glen Innes und Grafton. Dieser Park ist ein riesiger Staatswald am Hauptkamm der Great Dividing Range und bildet mit seiner üppigen Vegetation eine Wetterscheide. Die meisten Regenwolken, die vom Südpazifik landeinwärts ziehen, bleiben an dieser Bergkette 'hängen', sodaß nur wenig Feuchtigkeit ins Landesinnere dringen kann.
In diesem Gebiet haben wir auch die erste größere Gruppe Kängu ...
Dort an der Gold Coast, besonders in Surfers Paradise, findet jeder Sonnenanbeter, Wassersportler, Nachtschwärmer, Spieler und Schürzenjäger (Playboy) was sein Herz begehrt. Surfers Paradise mit seiner beeindruckenden aber eigentlich häßlichen Skyline, ist Australiens bekanntestes Ferienzentrum am Meer. Schon 1923 entstand hier das erste Hotel und jetzt, siebzig Jahre später, droht diese pulsierende Metropole aus allen Nähten zu platzen. Dicht ...
Känguruhs und Koalas sind die absoluten Superstars der australischen Tierwelt und hier kann man sie aus nächster Nähe betrachten und sogar anfassen. Besonders die Koalas sind äußerst liebenswürdige Geschöpfe. Diese, bis zu achtzig Zentimeter großen, dickfelligen, etwas plump wirkenden, silbergrauen Beutelbären mit Knopfaugen und breiter Stupsnase, hängen den größten Teil des Tages schlafend oder dösend in den Astgabeln der Eukalyptusbäume. Die ...