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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Virginia's health and tales of ratiocination

(Fall 1841 - April 1844) Graham\'s prospered with Poe and the number of copies in circulation went from 5500 up to 40,000, and it was planned to increase to 50,000. Poe gained a good reputation from his cryptography series, \"The Murders in the Rue Morgue\", and his criticism, as a master of German (Gothic) horror and as a literary wizard. Even though he was such a success Poe felt that he could not express his creativity with Graham\'s and he still had plans of publishing his own periodical; The Penn.

A friend of Poe\'s, Frederick W. Thomas, offered Edgar a job as a politician, and Poe was very interested. Together they tried to get Poe a government clerkship, but their efforts and contacts did not help very much. The reason he finally quit his job at Graham\'s was that he was simply fed up with it and wanted to try something else. He said he might contribute to the magazine and Poe and Graham parted as friends. The \"friendship\" did not last long though, because Graham did not announce publicly that Poe had quit and let the readers believe that Poe was still writing. Poe was angry with this and denied that he was writing in anonymous articles in other magazines. In July 1842 Poe\'s resignation from Graham\'s was finally made public.


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