What, according to Voltaire, is humanity\'s greatest divinegift? And what is the result of not using this gift properly?He is echoing Rousseau\'s famous statement that \"Manis born free and is everywhere in chains,\" and to some degreereplying to the latter philosopher\'s theories of humanequality in The Social Contract. What does he argue isthe cause of inequality on p. 182? What common human characteristicslead to inequality (p. 183)? Note his sly dig at the rivalriesof theologians in the middle of the page. What does he say isthe implied meaning of laws which forbid people to leave a country(as he was forbidden to leave Prussia by his former friend andsupporter Frederick the Great)? To what basic principle does hereduce human equality? When Voltaire says that anyone who feelsunjustly treated in a particular state should leave, he is notspeaking lightly. He lived in exile from France for much of hislife.
Note that his attitudes are far removed from the extremeegalitarianism during the French Revolution.