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Quebec: conflict between the english and french speaking population

The reasons for this long - lasting conflict in Canada can be found in the history. The French population always had the feeling of being overpowered by the British citizens. The roots of this conflict lie surely in the battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759 which led to the Treaty of Paris. This treaty said that Quebec would become British.
The development in our century is even more radical and diverse.
Canadian newspaper often state the possibility of breaking - up. Modern Canada was founded by the French and the English. The French came first, but the English took control.
Before the Dominion of Canada was founded in 1867 many rebelions of French had to be put down.
Since this time the French tried to preserve their culture and language in an English dominated land.
The rest of Canada respects Quebec ´s demands but is not willing to give them more powers than they have.
Quebecs language laws have caused some bitterness.

1989 Quebec insisted that business signs appear in French only in the province.
But in accordance withe The Official Languages Act of 1969 all the other nine provinces also had to become bilingual although other languages, like German and Ukrainian were spoken more widely in these provinces.
Canadas seven million Francophones represent 28% of the population. But only in New Brunswick the partnership of English and French is successful.

In Manitoba five percent of the population speak French, but all pupils have to learn completely French from the Kindergarten to the University.
The Francophones have their own festivals and broadcasting stations.

In connection with the Problem of Quebec it is necessary to mention a man who dealt effectively with the kidnappers of a British diplomat and the Minister of Quebec who got killed by the kidnappers in
1970. Pierre Trudeau spoke with the kidnappers who were from the Quebec Liberation Front, a party wanting Quebec to be seperated from the rest. Pierre Trudeau became Minister of Justice in 1967 and in 1968 Canada´s 15th Prime Minister. Trudeau believed in a United Canada. He spoke English and French, a fact which made him popular. He was responsible for the Official Language Act in 1969 which gave both languages an equal status.

1980 a referendum asking Quebec people wether they wish to partially seperate from Canada is defeated.

In 1992 the next referendum followed. The result was nearly fifty - fifty. Today more than 60% of the Quebeckers believe that Quebec becomes a seperate province by the end of the decade.
Quebec is one of the wealthiest provinces and the largest. But there are also some grave economic problems to solve. The Parties couldn´tsolve them, so the seperatists party Bloc Quebequois get´s more and more powerful. Some Quebeckers are confident that they can succeed alone.
The problem is, that other colonies could follow. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick think that they could benefit from becoming part of the U.S.A.
Alberta and British Columbia think about this too, but both Provinces are important for the economy of Canada, but on the other side they have important trade and cultural relations to the U.S.
But the majority of Canadians does´nt want to become part of another country.
It seems that the problem goes further. The Métis, the Eskimos, the minorities watch with interest what is going on in Quebec. They will not allow special conditions for Quebec if they don´t get those rights too.

A group of the Federal Commitee drives throughout Canada, asking the people what they want. The results were showed at the referendum in 1992.


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