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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The play macbeth

1. Drama
2. Liebe

At the beginning, Macbeth, the thane of Glamis, has valiantly prevented a rebellion against the Scottish king Duncan. When Macbeth and his friend Banquo return from the battlefield, they have a strange encounter with three witches who foretell that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor - which is a higher rank in the hierarchy - and finally king of Scotland. Macbeth neglects to believe in the prophecy until the appearance of messengers who were sent by the king to inform him that he was appointed thane of Cawdor because of his merits.
When Macbeth talks to his wife about the mysterious prophecy, she wants him to kill Duncan because she desires to become queen. Duncan plans to stay a night at their house and Lady Macbeth can convince her husband: Macbeth commits the murder and blames the guards and the king's sons for his death. The sons, Malcolm and Donalbain fear for their lives and leave Scotland while Macbeth becomes the new king.

But he can't enjoy his new fame and wealth because Duncan's ghost terrorizes him. Under the influence of his wife, Macbeth sends out murderers to kill Banquo and his son to prevent his friend from discovering his dark secret and betray him. Banquo dies, but his son Fleance can escape.
Lord Macduff is a Scottish nobleman who has been loyal to the king Duncan. He doesn't believe in Macbeth's innocence and suspects him to be involved in the former king's death, so he journeys to England where he meets Malcolm and tries to persuade Eduard, the king of England, to start a war against Scotland and Macbeth. In the meantime Macbeth and his wife have become insane and kill Macduffs's entire family which causes Eduard to agree.
The mad tyrant Macbeth prepares his armies and visits the witches to learn if he can win the war. The three answer that no one could kill him who was born by a woman. Macbeth is relieved and battles the troops from England but in the end is killed by Macduff, who turns out to be born by caesarean section.


I think it's a timeless story because it's about emotions and values that were actual in the 16th century and still are in today's world.

Although Shakespeare's English is not easy to read and understand, "Macbeth" is mostly thrilling and interesting, especially the protagonist Macbeth who turns from a brave and loyal man into an insane murderer and betrayer and his relationship with his wife whose influence breaks his weak personality. The play leaves much room for interpretations and means more than its letters do.


thane schottischer Titel; ähnlich dem britischen lord
valiant tapfer

foretell vorhersagen
merits Verdienste

convince überzeugen
caesarean section Kaiserschnitt


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