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Conditions for language learning

1. Java
2. Viren

As Willis writes, for anyone to learn a language with reasonable efficiency, three essential conditions must be met (Willis, 11).
Firstly, there has to be much exposure to the target language, a rich but comprehensible input of real spoken and written language in use. Modification of the target language in spoken discourse by the teacher in order to help the learners understand is done quite unconsciously and is beneficial as long as it is not carried too far. Simplifying texts, however, can deprive learners of the opportunity to become familiar with original forms, which may occur frequently in the target language. Besides, it does not necessarily make the task of comprehension easier.
As well as input, also output is generally considered essential for language learning. Learners need opportunities to communicate what they want to say and express what they feel or think. They need the experience of communication in a variety of situations, e.g. in different size groups or for different audiences. In a positive, supportive and low stress atmosphere created by the teacher, creativity is most encouraged.
The third essential condition learners need is motivation to learn; motivation to process the exposure they receive and motivation to use the target language as often as possible. Learners' motivation may be intergrative, that is to identify with the target language and culture, or mere instrumental, that is to see the target language as a means to achieve a specific aim. Success and satisfaction are, however, the key factors in sustaining motivation. The more learners can be motivated efficiently to seek out opportunities for exposure and use of the target language inside and outside the classroom, the better.

The role instruction plays in the language learning process is somewhat unclear amongst scholars. It is generally accepted that instruction focused on language form can speed up the rate of language development and raise the level of the learners' attainment. What instruction does not seem to do, still, is to change the learners' developmental sequence. Learners will not necessarily learn what is taught to them. A syllabus reflecting the natural acquisition order is not the ultimate solution to this problem. Firstly, studies about the natural aquisition order are restricted to certain morphemes like -ing, -ed and -s endings. But language involves much more than this and we have little idea of the order in which other features may be acquired. Secondly, we cannot certainly know which learners are at which stage. Even within a class there may be major differences amongst learners. Instruction can certainly help learners notice specific features of the target language. It can give them the opportunity to process grammatical and lexical patterns and to form hypotheses about their use and meaning. Instruction should, however, not become more important than the exposure and use of the language.


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