After the Discovery of America by Christoph Kolumbus in 1492, it took almost 1 ½ Centurys until the settlement from Europe began. Before this, England started to build up Colonies and founded new Cities in the "New Land". Virgina is the first Colony, named after the Kings daughter. In 1619 the first slaves where brought from the Netherlands to Virginia, after they where ordered for the tobacco industry. In 1620 the so called "Pilgrims" landed in the near of Cape Cod after they emigrated from England to the Netherlands and founded "Plymouth Plantation." On their ship, the "Mayflower" they signed a Compact which says, that Government and laws should follow from common decisions, without giving up the loyalitiy to the British Crown. After this new Colonies are founded in America, which is called New England by the Pilgrims.
Towards 1775 the people in America suffer under the treatment of England. The Crown initializes new laws for dutys, and disturb economy. The desire of an independent land grows, and so the Colonies turn away from their motherland and start to fight against the british regiments. They have got a very bad equipment and almost no chances. When british troups try to rob an armbase, the Americans besiege Boston. The 2nd Continental Congress comes together and declares GEORGE WASHINGTON as supreme Commander. A peace petition to the british King is answered by him with the "Proclamation of an open Rebellion". Now THOMAS JEFFERSON begins to prepare the "Declaration of Independence", which is published first in 1776.
After some battles against Britain were lost the WAR OF INDEPENDENCE turns in the victory of Saratoga (New York). Even if the british troups won a few several times during 1778 and 1780 in the southern states, after the Americans fought them in Yorktown with the help of France, the British had to capitulate. So the War was won for the Americans and King George III. had to acknowledge the peace contract. Canada was still british, and the other states were declared as the United States of America. In 1787 a Convent of Constitution comes together in Philadelphia therefore to create the first written Constitution. GEORGE WASHINGTON becomes President of the convent. On March 4th, 1789 the new system of government starts his activity with GEORGE WASHINGTON as first President of the United States. It is based on the division of powers - the congress builds the legislative and consists of the "House of Represantatives" and the Senate. It has to decide about Peace and war, Military, Contracts with other States, coins, weights, dutys and taxes. The President is the Executive and has to select the civil servants, and takes care of the execution of the Congress decisions. The Judicative is given by the trial Court, which watches over law and constitution. In this year also the Bill of Rights are added to the Constitution. They guarantee the basic rights, as Liberty in faith, media and assembling, of every person etc.