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geschichte artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Important things to know about witches

Witches wear clothing of every colour and every style
Most of the witches choose to wear black clothing or ritual robes. Because the colour black is the culmination of all vibrational rates of light on the material plane. And black helps witches to be more receptive to psychic impressions and energies.
Witches come from every socio-economic and ethnic background
Many witches are professional people holding positions of responsibility such as doctors, nurses, teachers ect. Witchcraft doesn´t discriminate against colour and ethnic origin.
Witches also worship Gods:
For witches their Gods and Goddess are the male and female aspects of Nature. This Gods do not reign over the Universe, because they are the universe itself. The God is usually represented a protector or hunter, and the Goddess is often related to fertility or the land. Their Gods have egos like human beings.
Witches do use spells:
A spell is a thought, a projection, or a prayer. Other relogions use prayer, meditation, projection and ritual to produce an result. You can´t say that the use of spells is evil, harm or good it depends on the situation. Witches use many spells, but the most used spells are "Love Spells".
For example: The Ozark love spell: "To gain the love of someone: On a night full of moon, walk to a spot beneath your beloved´s bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to the nightwind".


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