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musik artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

John winston lennon - yeah yeah yeah (1963 - 1965)

1. Konzert
2. Jazz

They also made movies to promote their music. Their first movie was A Hard Day\'s Night in 1964. (The title was taken from something Ringo had said after a particularly long recording session.
Following A Hard Day\'s Night was another hit movie in 1965, starring the Beatles, called Help!
Magic Mystery Tour in 1967, The Beatles next movie, was their directial debut. This movie was considered by the critics considered by the critics Beatles one failure. In thier 1968 animated cartoon called Yellow Submarine, the Bealtes didn\'t really have much to do except to record about half a dozen songs.

The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still
don\'t understand.
Phenomenoligists had a ball in 1964 with Beatlemania, a generally harmless form of madness which came from Britain in 1963. They became the target of such adoration by their fans that they had to cancel all one-night bookings because of riots in early 1964. Beatlemania had reached unbelievable proportions in England.

Someone wrote and stating "The Beatles couldn't hear themselves singing because of all the screaming fans". The Beatles wanted everyone to enjoy their music so they stopped performing at concerts, and spent more Time at recordings. Increasingly, the band wanted to spend more time living their lives. When they toured, they performed the concert, fled from screaming fans, then spent hours secluded in their hotel room until another performance. The next three years they spent composing hit songs in the studio and living the normal lives they wanted to.
John later said that he had written his best songs together with Paul. Sometimes they had a lot of fun writing songs, but when they had to work on an album they wrote songs for just that and for them, it was quite ordinary work.

MBE The Beatles received their MBE (Members of the British Empire) medals from the Queen. It is alleged that they were smoking a joint in the bathroom of Buckingham Palace.


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