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Korean war

The surrender of Japan at the end of World War II also meant an end to 35 years of Japanese occupation in Korea. As they had in Germany, Soviet and U.S. troops liberated Korea -- and agreed to divide the nation along the 38th parallel as a temporary measure. But as both sides withdrew their troops, they also set up rival governments, creating the Democratic People\'s Republic of Korea in the North, and the Republic of Korea in the South.
Meanwhile in China: Mao-Tse-Tung, leader of the communists won the upper hand over Tschiang Kai-scheck, the leader of the Anti-communists and so the People's Repuplic China was proclaimed. A new ally of the USSR!
After Stalin gave his O.K. to Kim Il Sung, Sung risked a rapid assault into South Korea. The South Korean troops of Rhee were clearly too few and not prepared. Therefore North Korea rushed over the South. Stalin did not expect Truman to react with a war on foreign ground but he lay wrong. The USA immediately reacted and announced that they will not bear this aggression.
After a spectacular landing in Inchon (comparably with the D-Day) the U.S troops were confronted with the Korean troops in Seoul and encountered hard resistance. 50000 civilians left their lifes. But this was just the first step. Rhee and the USA wanted to complete their campaign and conquer the North.
But they made their bill without China. China intervened and U.S troops had no chance. They fled from the overwhelming masses. On their way they left everything in debris and ash.With a new commander in chief, the troops dared a last raid and reached the 38. degree of longitude.
In November of '52 Dwight D. Eisenhower became President and in March '53, Stalin died. These new governments were able to lead negotiations and on July the 23th, the War was over.
Time to show the result:

USA: 54000 dead 100000 injured
South Korea: 415000 dead

North Korea: 1 Mio. dead
China: official 112000 dead, unofficial 500000!
Winner.? Perhaps Japan with an economic upswing.
Loser: - The Korean people with 5 Mio. homeless in the South and innumerable dead.
- The whole world at the edge of a second Hiroshima.


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