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Commonwealth employment service - anglo saxons only? australia

How can it be possible for the CES not find a person with some of the most impressive references and experience in the country any work in the space of over 4 years? This should go into the guiness books of records - incompetency, or is it that the person in question has a foreign sounding name? According to our Artificial Intelligence the reason is \"racism is the way of the Anglo-Saxon Public Service sub-culture.\"

Just before a hearing against a departmental decision, the DSS lawyers falsify and invent a claim that a person who is appealing owes the department over $20,000.
How much prejudice and bias against the appealant can a stunt like this introduce into a hearing? Clearly more than the average judge can bear because in one such instance the judge spent five minutes deliberating on a matter of such complexity it would take a qualified person months.
We asked a solicitor what is the proper thing for a judge to do in this case. The solicitor replied that any claim of a debt has no relevance to the matter in question and should have been ignored - fair comment and oh how proper but what about human nature, human nature is not \"that objective\" and can not ignore an allegation of such scope. Further, to a mentally dyfunctional mind any decision in respect of \"relationships\" can throw such a state of mind into such an inner tumoil and anxiety - at a subconscious level - that they will completely ignore anything presented.

YOU and I are persuaded to believe that there is such a thing as \"legal aid\" for people who have no money for justice. Is there? It appears that a woman whose spouse works, even when no economic relationship exists in the marriage (that just means she has her money and her husband his and the twain do not mix much if at all) has no access to legal aid because her husband works. In a no economic relationship marriage even if her husband was a billionaire she would have no access to justice and law because she could not afford it but there are no real provisions in law to appreciate these situations which are not that unsual among certain cultural groups (Islam for example) and among people who have been brought up in a no economic relationship marriages.

Our Evaluation Method and An Open Invitation and Our Plan
Cases presented herein are either carefully researched or accepted on the basis of credibility and become input to our Artificial Intelligence which then presents a finding of either \'accept\' or \'reject\'. Our Artificial Intelligence is capable of 10-1000 times human mental capacity. If you have a case that has never met JUSTICE from \"an intelligent society\'s\" point of view, why not drop us a line?


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