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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Passive voice

Das Passiv / The passive Forming the passive The passive is formed using a form of 'to be' + past participle. Das Passiv wird gebildet mit einer Form von 'to be' und dem Partizip Perfekt. . Simple present am / is / are + past participle: The workers are always paid on the first of the month. Die Arbeiter werden immer am Ersten des Monats bezahlt. . Present progressive am / are / is + being + past participle: The offices are being decorated at the moment. Die Offiziere werden gerade mit Orden ausgezeichnet.

     . Present perfect have / has been + past participle: The car hasn't been repaired since we bought it. Das Auto ist nicht repariert worden, seit wir es kauften. . Past tense was / were + past participle: The book was written by Thomas Wagner. Das Buch wurde von Thomas Wagner geschrieben. . Past progressive was / were + being + past participle: My computer was being repaired so I couldn't send an E-mail. Mein Computer wurde gerade repariert, so konnte ich keine E-mail schicken.

     . Future I will + be + past participle: Do you think he will be awarded the first prize? Glaubst du, das er den ersten Preis erhalten wird? .Future II will + have + been + past participle: Next time you come the number will have been changed. Beim nächsten Mal, wenn du kommst, wird die Nummer geändert worden sein. He can be found at Millie's Restaurant every Friday. Ihn kann man jeden Freitag in Millie's Restaurant finden. modal + have been + past participle (for the past): The essay should have been handed in on time! Der Essay sollte rechtzeitig eingereicht worden sein! 28.4.

    2004 The Passive ÜBUNGEN Exercises: I) Put into Passive Voice / (2) means 2 possibilities. 1) A tunderstorm destroyed most of the houses. Most of the houses were destroy by a thunderstorm. 2) Nobody understood the explanations The explanations were understood by nobody. 3) We have to pay the bills. The bills must be pay.

     4) Our hostess offered us tea and biscuits (2) Tea and biscuits were offere by hostess. 5) We had to learn the poem by heart. The poem by heart must be learn 6) Uncle Richard feeds the cat every morning. The cat is feed by Uncle Richard every morning. 7) Lions like meat. Meat is like by lions.

     II) Transform the sentences from Passive Voice into Active Voice. 1) The discovery wasmade yesterday. I made the discovery yesterday. 2) Two people were killed by a careless driver. A careless driver killed two people. 3) This bed hasn't been slept in.

     We hasn't slept this bed in. 4) They were being laughed at. People were laughing about them. 5) I was given opportunity by my boss. My boss gave me opportunity III) Translate the following sentences. 1) Solche Sachen sollten abgeschafft werden.

     Such things sould be abolished 2) Es wird berichtet, dass er ernsthaft verletzt ist. He is said to be seriously injured 3) Der Fehler konnte nicht gefunden werden. The mistake couldn't be found 4) Solche Hüte werden meist von Eingeborenen getragen. Such hads are mostly worn by the vatives. 5) Die vermisste Geldbörse wurde von einem kleinen Jungen gefunden. The missing purse was found by a small boy


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