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Marginal notes about arnold

Arnold never had a simple life. But his ambition helped him through his hard days. In 1972 for example his brother Meinhard died because of a car accident, in 1973 his father Gustav Schwarzenegger died. He helped his mother Aurelia where and when he could, but in 1998 she died too.
Although there were also good times in his life. For example in 1977 he meets a girl named Maria Shriver. Nine years later he will marry her. Marie Shriver directed him to the organisation of Special Olympics, and in 1979 he advertises for the Special Olympics, and made them more and more popular. Moreover he finishes his Economy-studies in Wisconsin he started in 1968 in Munich. In 1983 he got the American nationality. You see, that Arnold was never lazy. He found the time to help handicapped people, and to found his own body building competitions like the Arnold Classic in 1989. In 1990 he becomes president of the committee for national fitness among President George Bush. His task was to help young people who don't have a family or a job, to do something useful. He wanted them to stop taking drugs or to hang around in gangs. In 1991 he becomes the Award for Humanity from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre because of his efforts towards the Holocaust.
Additionally he owns several restaurants all over the world named Planet Hollywood as well. These are restaurants like the Hard Rock Cafes. Arnold is one of 4 owners. The others are Demi Moore, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone.
Unhappily he had problems with his health. In 1997 he had to make a heart-operation, which forced him to stop making movies for two years. But the operation proceeded without complications.
Today, Arnold won't think of stopping making films. He plans the continuation of Terminator 2 and True Lies. In fall the productions of Terminator 3 will start.
Now Arnold is 54 years old, but he has the power and the ambition like he had when he was 18 years old. I think he is the kind of person that will ever stay hungry. As well I believe that he reached so much, so that he cannot stop being popular and famous. It's like a drug. There is only one difference: It won't kill you. It's the other way around. It makes one's life beautiful.


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