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Irish home rule crisis 1886

Following the Potato Famine, a number of organisations were formed to agitate for Home Rule.In 1848, a rising led by the Young Ireland Movement was violently suppressed in Tipperary. Twenty years later, there was still strong feeling on the issue with a campaign of violence co-ordinated by the Fenian Movement. Despite efforts by the Gladstone government to allay tensions, in 1877, Charles Parnell became leader of the Irish Home Rule party and undertook a policy of deliberate obstruction in the House of Commons to stress the importance of the issue. After the General Election of November 1885, Parnell held the balance of power.Gladstone introduced a Home rule bill the following April but it was defeated in June.

     Ninety-three Liberals ignored Gladstone\'s leadership and voted against the legislation. Gladstone resigned as Prime Minister but the Liberal Party was irrevocably split.


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