LK12 Englisch Death Penalty For Saddam Hussein The former dictator of the Iraq has just been sentenced to death by an Iraqi court for genocide. This mass murder is only one crime among many others he comitted. The verdict has attrackt a lot of attention these days. While the United States and Great Britain agree with the verdict, Germany, Switzerland and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which Saddam trampled on, strongly speak out against it. Firtsly, enforcing the verdict might be precisely what Saddam wants. There are several reasons he would rather die than stay under constant surveillance.
Hitler, for example, rather chose to commit suicide than bear the consequences of his behavior. Since the two of them have been very brutal dictators they might both prefer this way out. In addition to that, killing Saddam would probably make him into some sort of matyr for those people sharing his opinion and there is surely someone out there who would love to accomplish Saddam's work. There have always been people that held similar ideals no matter how absurd they were. However above all, one cannot return like for like. Although Saddam obviously never has bothered too much about Human Rights yet it is the Organisation of Human Rights that casts its lot with him.
And since this organisation as well as several states state death penalty as especially cruel, inhumane and humiliating they explicitly decline death penalty for every human being- even for mass murderers like Saddam Hussein. So in conclusion, I believe, that death penalty is no instrument fit to punish criminals for whatever crime they committed. And let us not forget that the christian church is oficially against death penalty so at least those states who still practise this sort of punishment and yet pretend to be so very fond of christianity, should rethink their arguments.