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Talk on a book: maths, stress and a lovesick heart - zimmermann+zimmermann

Maths, Stress and a Lovesick Heart/>


The story is about Henriette Schneider a 14 year old girl. Henri has 2 sisters, called Anette and Babette. Henri is an ace at maths. Her best friend is called Tanja.

One day Henri bumps into a very cute boy with brown curled hair and fells head over heels in love with him. Tanja tells her that this boy is Tom, the son of their maths teacher Ms. Carberg.

Henri absolutely wants to get in touch with this boy again. So she decides to get worse in maths to reach that her parents and Ms. Carberg permits her to have extra tuition with her son.

But when she first sees her new tuition teacher, Ms. Carbergs son Dietmar she is shocked. He's not the boy that he should be.

She is afraid of telling Tanja, that the son of Ms. Carberg isn't the cute boy of the tram so she tells her that the lesson was great and that she and Tom do get on very well.

One Monday as Henri walks out of Carbergs flat she bumps into Tom again. He is also a pupil of Dietmar.

There's a fairy tail ball in town and Tanja wants to go there together with Henri. Henris mother wants her to dress up as a little sailor. Tanja suggests to take the evening dress from Henris mother for Henri to dress up more fashionable. Tanja herself dresses up as a Harems Lady.

On their way to the ball Henri gets stuck in a door with her beautiful dress. While Tanja is searching for help, Tom is passing by, dressed up as Brave Little Tailor. He helps Henri out of the door by cutting the dress with one of his scissors. He asks if Henri would go to the ball with him.

Henris parents and her two sisters are already at the ball. Henri knows that her mother would kill her if she discovers Henri with the evening dress. So she runs home without saying a word.

Henri feels so sorry and tells Tanja the true story about Tom and her.

A few days later Tom phones Henri. He would be very pleased if they see another again.

In the end Henri is supposed to give Tom extra tuition in maths.

Irene and Hans-Günther Zimmermann were both born in 1955 in Waiblingen


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