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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Reform for higher grades in high schools

Goals: . high level of education and comparability

. simplification of the system
. to study independently

. specialization not too early
. possibility of choosing priority individually

Basic + Proficiency Classes:
. 2 proficiency classes, five lessons a week
. maths and german, four lessons a week
. one proficiency class has to be: maths, science or a foreign language

What to enroll in:
. 4 semesters german, one foreign language, history, politics and economics, religious education, maths, one science and physical education
. at least 2 semesters art or music, another foreign language or another science or computer science

What to bring in:
. 4 semesters german, one foreign language, maths and one science
. the last two semesters art or music, history, politics and economics, the other foreign language or computer science

. 5 final exams, three written tests, one oral test, one presentation or if the student requests written or oral test

. standardization of formal commitments, e.g. error rate, grading

higher grades - used for: Oberstufe
to enroll - to choose a class

oral test - mündliche Prüfung
to request - to ask for

supplement - additional information
formal commitment - formale Festlegung


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