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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Bend it like beckham /kick it like beckham -der film und einige

wichtige Facts . language features that qualify a girl as an Asian speaker I think that Jess does not have an Asian accent, she speaks like a normal English person. But I think her mother and her father do have an accent. It sounds like they can not say some words, but it sounds funny. (Gori means girl) If you would talk to them, without seeing them you would immediately recognize them as foreigners, or people who can not speak well English. . Summary The movie "Bend it like Beckham (Kick it like Beckham)" written by Gurinder Chadha and also directed by her is about a young Indian girl, who loves to play soccer and adores David Beckham. She wants to shoot goals like him and be as famous as he is.

     But her parents do not agree with her being a soccer star, because this would ruin their family appearance. The Family appearance to the Indian society is very important for her parents. But instead of listening to what her parents are saying she is secretly a member of a girls soccer club. She gets to know new friends and she starts to like her coach. But her parents get to know of her being in a soccer club and are very angry with her and want her to stop with it. But Jess cannot resist this temptation and so she goes on with playing soccer.

     She gets into more trouble when she lies to her parents visiting relatives, when she is instead in Germany at a soccer match. Her parents do not trust her anymore and she gets confined to quarters. As if this is not hard enough, she also falls in love with her coach, which is illegal and dangerous for him. But she does not care about it and they almost kiss when her father caught them both. Her parents are afraid that their daughter gets disappointed, when she will not get into one of the good soccer clubs, so they do not want her to try. The also want her to have a good save future with a nice Indian husband.

     . Expectations the family have for their daughter Jess The family has many expectations for their daughters. They want her to be a good and well behaved Indian woman, so that she will marry a good husband, who will treat her well. They want her to learn how to cool Indian meals and the traditions so that they will not be ashamed in front of the other Indian families. They want to be proud of her being an Indian girl. They do not want a bad reputation/appearance and they are very scared that they will get one. They fear the other families and it seems as if they do care a lot of what the other people think about them.

     They want Jess to respect the elder, and they want her to discover new things. Furthermore they want her to not end like her parents, so they push her to get into a good university. . The dreams of their daughter One of her dreams is to play in a real soccer team and get famous. She wants to be accepted for who she is. She wants to be herself without other people telling her what to do and how to do things. One important fact is that she wants her parents to accept her and be proud of her.

     I also think that she wants the boys accept her and not just seeing her as a girl.


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