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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The wave summary

The Wave, written by Morton Rhue, is an experiment that grown out to a serious problem. The Wave is a kind of a cult that disrupted an entire school. After seeing a film about Nazis in the history lesson with the teacher Ben Ross, the kids in the class couldn't believe why people didn't do anything against the Nazis. Ross thought what to do about it and in a way the students could learn something about it. He introduced the Wave. By introducing the Wave he tried to give his students a sampling, a taste of what live in Nazi Germany might have been like. After this day changed a lot in Gordon High. The Wave had his own salute, ideas and even membership cards. Many pupils were enthusiastic about it. But soon the Wave became a dangerous and mindless movement. And Laurie, a smart girl in Ben Ross' class and editor-in-chief of the school's newspaper, was the only one who recognised the danger in it. She tried to convince some of her friends but no one believed her, according to them, the Wave was good, everybody who was in the Wave was equal and there were no more competitions against each other. And Robert, the class loser, had never been teased anymore. But Laurie had a disagreement because of The Wave with her boyfriend, David, who broke up with her. One day she founded even an anonymous letter in the publications office describing the intimidating ways The Wave members adopt to recruit new members. She was shocked. So she decided to reveal her thoughts and reservations regarding The Wave in the school paper. But the movement got out of hands, it was no longer a game or an experiment. Students were getting obsess by the Wave. The novel dramatises the incident, showing how the powerful forces of group pressure that have pervaded many historical movements and cults can persuade people to join such movements and give op their individual live.
-- The construction of the story was good. First I was getting involved by the principal characters, then slowly the Wave growth and then a happy ending of course. It was a very complaisant story. The students were of my age, that is nice. You could imagine how it was in that school which is described in the book.


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