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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The great gatsby

1. Drama
2. Liebe

Nick Carraway moves to New York to get a job as a stock brocker. He finds a small house on Long Island, an expensive area where rich people live. Next to his home lays the big mansion of Jay Gatsby. Opposite the bay Nick`s cousin Daisy lives with her husband Tom Buchanan. Tom is having an mistress and he isn`t making a big secret out of it. Everybody seems to know.

     He even introduces his lover Myrtle, who is married to poor gas-station owner Wilson, to Nick. Jay Gatsby seems to be a big mystery, everybody tells different stories about him. Most of the people think he got wealthy by illegal business. Although he gives big partys every weekend, he doesnt seem to have many friends. Nick gets to know him better and one day Gatsby asks him to arrange a meeting with his cousin Daisy. They turn out to be former lovers.

     When Gatsby, who was poor at that time, had to join the army, Daisy wasn`t able to wait for him and married Tom Buchanan, blended by his money. When Gatsby heard that, he started to believe that becoming as rich as possible would bring him Daisy back. He made his big fortune through bootlegging. Now, as they meet again, they continue their romance but they have to realize that it will never be the same like before. And it all ends in a big tragedy when Daisy and Gatsby drive home from New York and pass Wilson`s gas-station. Myrtle runs out of the house towards the car in which she expects Tom and the car crashes into her.

     She is dead. The car, that is droven by Daisy, leaves abruptly. Wilson, who only knows the color of the car, begins to search the whole neighbourhood for it and its owner. Finally he gets to Gatsby`s mansion, finds the car and shoots first Gatsby and then himself.


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