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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Norbert the norwegian ridgeback

1. Drama
2. Liebe

Harry, Ron and Hermione study for their final exams. While looking up "Dittany in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi" they meet Hagrid in the library, hiding something behind his back. Trying to figure out what he\'s hiding, Ron looks in the section where Hagrid was looking, and comes back with books like "Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland", "From Egg to Inferno" and "A Dragon Keeper\'s Guide". They suspect that Hagrid wants to have a Dragon. It is against the law to keep a Dragon, as dragon breeding was outlawed by the Warlock\'s Convention of 1709. Ron says there are still Dragons in Britain, two known species being the Common Welsh Green and the Hebridean Black.
Later they go to Hagrid\'s hut. Hagrid tells them that many teachers helped to guard the Philosopher\'s Stone; Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell, Dumbledore and Professor Snape.
Hagrid shows them a dragon egg he won the night before from a stranger. He wants to breed it and has taken a book from of the library called "Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit". The dragon is a Norwegian Ridgeback.
When the egg hatches someone is peeking through the windows.... Malfoy has seen the dragon.
Hagrid names his dragon Norbert. Realising he can\'t keep it, they decide to send it to Charlie in Romania. They send Charlie a letter by owl and he writes them back telling them he would be glad to take the dragon and that he will ask some friends to pick it up at midnight on Saturday from the tallest tower of Hogwarts.
Ron had been bitten on his hand when he helped Hagrid feed Norbert and the wound had gotten infected. He had to go to the hospital wing to have it looked after. Ron left Charlie\'s letter in a book which Malfoy took. They knew that Malfoy would find the letter and know that they are planning to send Norbert away on Saturday.
Saturday night they take Norbert in a cage under Harry\'s Invisibility Cloak up the tower. Professor McGonagall finds Malfoy lurking around and sends him back with detention.
The moment Charlie\'s friends fly off with Norbert Harry, Hermione and Neville are caught by Filch.


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