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physik artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The results of an atomic bomb

1. Atom
2. Motor

After the detonation of an atomic bomb, they are 5 different primary results:

- The radioactive radiation

- The fallout

- The head wave

- The shock wave

- The nuclear electromagnetic pulse

These are the results of an atomic bomb with the size of the Hiroshima- bomb:

- The radioactive radiation contaminated the city with a strong radiation. This radiation killed all the people there.

- The detonation whirl up a lot of dust or water, this dust or water is contaminate radioactive and fly several kilometres up. Then in the first day after the detonation, this radioactive dust or water rain down, back on the earth and contaminate a big floorspace. This rain is the fallout.

- The head wave come about the gigantic energy, they develop by the detonation. In the detonation centre reach the temperature of several millions degrees centigrade. The head wave takes only a few seconds, but it kill all the people within a radius of 1 or 2 kilometres. Even in a distance of several kilometres get the people unprotected burns.

- The shock wave destroy all the buildings in a distance of 2 kilometres. Like the head wave, the shock wave takes only a few seconds. The shock wave makes winds with maximum speeds to 1200 km/h.

- The nuclear electromagnetic pulse is made of extreme strong magnetic fields. The nuclear electromagnetic pulse disturb the radio contacts and destroy the electric devices.


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