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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The flying shuttle and cotton 1733

Prior to the later eighteenth century, the cotton industry was organised on a domestic structure with most workers undertaking various processes at home. During the course of the eighteenth century, a variety of inventions allowed for greater mechanisation to be applied to the industry and this led in turn to the industrial structure changing to a factory-based system. In 1733, John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle (which meant that broader cloth could be woven and at a quicker rate); in 1764, James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny (which meant that more than one thread could be produced at a time). Five years later in 1769, Richard Arkwright invented the water frame (which allowed cotton to be spun for the first time); in 1779, Samuel Compton\'s Mule allowed the spinning of finer cloths, and Edmund Cartwright\'s Power Loom (1786) completed the mechanisation of the weaving process.These inventions were the basis for the increased productivity of the textile industry throughout Britain.


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