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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The american dream and his changing face

The fathers of the American Dream had a vision that one day all people living in the United States of America will be treated equal and all have the same rights. This Dream has now become reality.
Slavery is abandoned, blacks do have the same rights and women do have the same social status men do have.
So the American Dream with it´s ideal of equality, dignity and the chance of personal fulfilment is now real to every citizen livning in the United States.
The melting pot has become a melted pot where all kind of different nations live together under the same rights, laws and chances.
So the American Dream is no dream to the Americans any more, for them it is real.
It is just a dream to all the people coming out of different countries, for example out of Germany. One will ask why in Germany there should not be the same things possible as they are in America.
This is an easy answer. The American Dream says: equality. Germany does not have equality when it comes to the scholl system. After a pupil has absolved the elementary school in Germany, he and his parents will have to decide whether this student is going to visit the "Hauptschule", the "Realschule" or the "Gymnasium". This is a form of a class system because someone who, for example, visited the "Hauptschule" is only allowed to study at High School if he does his A - Levels afterwards.
In American it is for every pupil the same way: elementary school, High School and then, after ten years of school, the pupil can decide whether he wants to continue going to school or not.
This is how the Americans let the American Dream become true: equality for everybody, the chance for everyone to decide on his own what he wants to do in his life.
In the German kind of school system, these chances are in not equal to everybody as the pupil has to decide between three kinds of education which all lead to another part of life in the end.
Of course, you can make it from one class into another, but it is very difficult to reach this because you have to work a lot in order to make it.

This is what made the American Dream famous all over the world:
Real equality to everybody without looking at his religion, skin and his education. As long this Dream is kept alive, America will continue to be the country with the most immigrants in the whole world.


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