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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Seightseeing in london

London is the captial of Great Britain. Itīs sights are the subject of my short presentation.

I want to start with Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. In this museum you can find wax copys of celebrities which look almost real like Michael Jackson, the Beatles and the royal family. The Museum is visited by thousands of people each day and sometimes itīs nearly impossible to receive a ticket.

Another famous landmark is the London Eye. It is a big wheel in the middle of the town close to the Thames river. From the top of this wheel you have an excellent view of the city. You can see the St. Pauls Cathetral, the Nelson Column, the battleship Belfast, Whitehall and many other buildings.

The London Eye is in front of the Saatchi Gallery, a temple of modern art. Itīs sometime shocking exhibits include dead animals like sharks, sheep and cows.

In addition to the Saatchis there are other important Galleries and Museums such as the Tate, the British Museum, the Imperial War museum or the national Portrait Gallery.

But there are a lot of other things that London is famous for. Everybody knows the sound of Big Ben, the belfry of the british parliament and of course the building of the parliament itself.

In the streets you can see red Double layer busses which are used for common traffic as well as for sightseeing tours for tourists. And there are a lot of tourists in this always busy 8 million people city.

And last not least the queen and the royal family are living in London. Their Guards with their typical bear flur hats can be seen at the queens home, Windsor castle.

Finally there are many more famous sights in London but this has been only a short overview.

Thank you for your patience.


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