The Labour Party came to power in the general election of July 1945, with its first overall majority. In spite of the reforming enthusiasm and experience of many members of prime minister Clement Attlee\'s cabinet, however, this was still an era of austerity, as the devastating economic impact of the war became evident. The best remembered achievements of the Labour period include the founding of the National Health Service in 1946, and the nationalisation of many
industries including coal in 1946,electricity in 1947 and the railways in 1948. Consumer choice remained limited, however, as the rationing of food, petrol and many other items had to continue after the war had ended.A series of economic crises, including the failed attempt to make the pound convertible with the dollar in 1947, and the drastic devaluation of the pound against the dollar (from $4.03 to $2.80) in 1949, was sombre evidence of Britain\'s economic decline and her new relationship of dependence on the USA.