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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Tiger eyes from judy blum

Summary: Have you ever felt that stab of emptiness that might as well put you to your death? Davey has. In this fictional book, Davey lost her father and there was nothing she could do about it. Davey and her family escape Atlantic City and go to New Mexico to recover from the sudden death. They go to stay with her aunt and uncle, who Davey hates, mostly because her uncle insults her mother and father. Davey meets a guy who she calls Wolf who helps her escape her problems. It is he who gave Davey the name Tiger Eyes.

Davey is a depressed 15 year old going through so much pain in her life. Her friend Jane is a drunk, her mother doesnt talk to her about her father, and her Aunt Bitsy and Uncle Walter are over protective of her. Her Uncle Walter isnt a very happy person. Once he insulted Daveys parents, Davey thought she would never talk to him again. At first, Davey gives the impression that she hates everyone. She doesnt want to talk to anyone. She thinks everyone is out to get her.

This book is definitely a page turner. There is always something happening. I think a lot of people could relate to this book. Its original, inspiring, and a great book! It makes you realize you dont know what you have until its gone and that some changes happen inside of you, that no one can see but yourself. It is worth the time to read.


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