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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The thirty - nine steps john buchan

Title: The thirty - nine steps Author: John Buchan
Characters: Richard Hannay, Franklin Scudder, Sir Walter Bullivant

Mr. Richard Hannay was reading a newspaper when suddenly the doorbell rang and a very nervous looking man came in. His name was Franklin Scudder and he introduced Mr. Hanney in his job. He was a spy and in big troubles. Hannay heard much about politics and soon he was totally involved in everything when he found Mr. Scudder\'s corpse in his flat some weeks later. He wasn\'t the murderer but the police would arrest him for this murder and so he decided to run away to continue with Scudder\'s work. But the problem was, that the German spies knew, that he will continue Scudder\'s work, and so Hannay could always be found and killed like Scudder was. They already knew, that Hannay lived in the same flat, und so Hannay needed to play a trick on them, so that they did not realize that he had left the town. After Hannay\'s flight from the police he had a very exciting life and good luck. His enemies were searching him and without the help of many people, he would have been killed. Hannay was a very clever and lucky man and when he met another spy, Sir Walter Bullivant, the chase starts. The saftey of whole Britain was in big danger and Richard Hannay tries to fight for it. The title \"thirty - nine steps\", describes a code which made it possible for Hannay to find out the location of his enemies. In the end Richard Hannay convicted the three main-enemies and delaid the first world war.


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