Who belongs tobr /
Name of the class
The characteristic
Aristocrats (= nobility + landed gentry[= Baronets + knights]), landowners
The upper class
.Represented in the House of Lords
.enjoy prestige in social and cultural life
.access to exclusive clubs and special regiments
.country houses, a chalet (Schlösschen) abroad
.double-barrel name
.favourite sports: cricket, horse riding, skiing abroad, etc.
.go to "Oxbridge"-university
Managers, civil servants (Beamte), professional classes, businessmen
The upper middle class
.important stratum of society
.replaced the aristocracy in politics, administration, civil services
.avoid slum areas and neighbourhood of coloured immigrants
.prefer pleasant modern suburbs, surrounded by green areas
-> detached or semi-detached houses
.both parents work
.have 2 cars and own the latest "modcons" (Geräte)
. ambitious (ehrgeizig) at the education of their children
-> grammar school, public school
Owners of small businesses, commuters (Pendler), non-manual white collar office workers (builders,.)
.biggest stratum of the British society
The lower middle class
Semi-skilled or unskilled workers
The working class
.have antagonistic feelings (feindliche Gefühle) towards the other classes
.have their own exclusive cultural and social events
.terraced houses, close to their neighbours or councils (Sozialwohnung)
.mixed easily with the coloured people
.cheap holiday camps if they can afford (sich leisten können) or popular resorts (Majorca)
.state schools, often do not care about education
->"skive" off the school or leave it without exam
-> youth unemployment