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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Sudan - afrika

My Report about Sudan / br /> 1. General

2. Climate

3. Capital and population

4. Religion

5. Tourism

6. War and Peace

SUDAN (Arab. Bilad al-Sudan) = Land of the Black

A big country in the north of Africa, same time the term since 1956 independents state of the Republic SUDAN.

1. General

The Sudan is the biggest state Africa's with the size of 2, 506 Million km² seven times as big as the Federal Republic Germany.

The biggest distance from west to east conducts 1.600 km.

From north to south 2100 km.

In the south, borders like Kenya, Uganda, Zaire and the Central African Republic, the land gets up and reaches the highest top of the Mount Kin yeti near the border to Uganda.

The Sudan has also borders to:

Egypt, Libya, Chad, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The land exists out of different countryside's, deserts and half deserts, mountain regions and the mountain land at the Red Sea. The north of the land has taken part of the desert Sahara.

At the Westside the Nile stretches the Libyan Desert and of the east Nile side the nebbish desert.

The only commercial harbor is Port Sudan.

In Khartoum the white and the Blue Nile run together.

2. Climate

The climate is tropic and north of the 19. Degree of latitude is mostly dry desert climate with minimized rainfall. In the area of Khartoum the rainy season is in July until August. The highest temperature is between 43° to 45° degrees. In the winter month there are no clouds and the temperature is between 16° degrees in the north and 29° degrees in the south.

May is in Khartoum the hottest month the temperature can be 50°degrees and over the night it can be over 45°degrees.

3. Capital and the Population

Khartoum is the capital of Republic Sudan with 3, 8 Million inhabitants. It's about the centre of the country and exists out of 3 big cities. These are: Khartoum, Khartoum-North and Omdurman. In Khartoum there is the city centre there is something like McDonalds and other shops, they are new opened. The population figure of the Sudan

Is about 28 Mio. People or more.

There are more than 5 Million foreigners.

4. Religion

The Islam and the Christian are the 2 biggest religions in Sudan. The majority of the Sudanese people are Moslem's the others are Christian's. After these there are some more religions following. Since many of years there are wars between different religions.

5. Tourism

With its nice countryside the Sudan is a nice place for Tourism.

There are different Climate zones. At the Red Sea there is moderated climate.

Due to the war there are not a lot of tourists in the Sudan.

In the north of Sudan there are more than 100 Pyramids and other nice sights.

6. War and Peace

Since 20 years there was a war in Southern Sudan.

A peace agreement was signed this year.

But not many people know about it because there is a kind of new war in Dafur.


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