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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Parodie von die prinzessin auf der erbse

The well-sleeping princess
Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess. But he wanted to marry a real princess with long blond hair, beautiful dresses and a castle where she lived in.

There were a lot of princesses in the country and they all gave him overwhelming presents. One gave him a trip to Disney Land in Paris, another one gave him a big yacht and another princess gave him a black Jaguar. But all that was not good enough for the prince and he could not be sure if these princesses were real ones.

One day, there was a great storm with much rain and during this storm a young and beautiful princess knocked on the city gate and told the prince that she hab been a real princess. From the first time on the prince had seen the princess he was fascinated. She had everything he ever wanted and he was sure that this was a real princess. She had a white dress with diamonds on it and she was even more beautiful than Heidi Klum.

The prince wanted to marry her immediately and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. But the king and the queen wanted to test the princess, because they did not want their son to marry a poor girl. They only wanted the best for their son. So, they let the princess sleep in a bed with 500 mattresses and 500 blankets and under the mattresses and blankets there was a diamond. The next morning, the king and the queen wanted to know how the princess had slept. The princess said that she had had a wonderful dream about several dresses of Karl Lagerfeld and a lot of jewelery. Now, everybody knew that she was not a real princess, because a real princess should have noticed the diamond in her bed. So, the prince did not want to marry her anymore. And until the prince died he was searching for his perfect princess.


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