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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

London: sehenswürdigkeiten (englisch)

The Buckingham Palace / .has been the official London residence of the monarch since the middle of the 19th century. The Royal Standard flying over the palace is a sign that the Queen is in the residenc. Queen Victoria was the first sovereign to live in the palace with more than 600 rooms, which are now partly open to the public. Her statue stands opposite the main gate. From there thousands of tourists watch the impressing ceremony of the Changing of the Guarts every day at 11.30 a.m..

Trafalgar Square

It is a square with two fountains in the center of London. In the middle of the square is Nelson's Column. The column is more than fifty meters high and on the top is a statue of the British admiral, Lord Nelson. He defeated Napoleon at the sea battle of Trafalgar (Spain) in 1805. The Square is also a favourite meeting place of tourists all over the world and of pigeons. In the North of the Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery with more than 4,500 valuable paintings.

The British Museum

If you wanted to see everything in the world's largest and most important museum, it would take you some months or even years. The museum has three main parts (Archeology, the library, and the Collection of Prints and Drawings). They show the development of man from prehistoric to modern times. So visitors usually only select special exhibitions or departments, like the Egyptian department with fascinating mummies etc..


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