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Landmarks of british history + the british constitution

Landmarks in British history Magna Carta (1225) - King John "Lackland" (1199 - 1216): taxed heavily, stole land, clashed with the pope, lost lands in France - => growing discontent of the English people and barons alike - barons, clergy and merchants forced him to sign an agreement, "Magna Carta" - chief provisions: just treatment and the right to a legal trail, establishment of a "Common Council", special rights for the clergy, limitation of the King\'s power - is considered a symbol of political freedom - first parliament was established in 1265 - conflicts between parliament the (catholic) king James I, who believed in the "divine right of kings" - Charles I (1625-49) was the successor of James I - he had to make concessions in the Petition of Right (1628). - a civil war broke out and was won by a parliamentary army Petition of Right (1628) - many conflicts in British history between monarchs and parliament over finances - an attempt to reform the corruption and the impropriety. - reducing the power of the king - controlling the national budget and law - limiting the monarch's power to impose high taxation upon - re-affirming the main principles of Magna Carta Habeas Corpus Act (1679) ("You shall have the body (in court)" It gives protection against unlimited imprisonment by giving someone in the prison the right to appear in a court of law so that the court can decide whether they should stay in prison. This act is still part of modern democracies' constitutions. Bill of Rights (1689) - historical background: a revolution in thought (e.g.

     Isaac Newton), increased study of the bible - "self-inflicted" war against Holland - King William of Orange accepts the Bill of Rights - chief provisions: legislative power of disposition for parliament alone, parliamentary vote for the monarch, laws regularizing freedom issues (e.g. the freedom of speech) - The "Act of Settlement" (1701) enhanced the provisions of the BoR The British Constitution Britain's political system: A constitutional monarchy. The constitution is uncodified (It consists of both written and unwritten sources and each paragraph contains a new rule.) It allows the MP to change or abolish any written or unwritten constitution more easily. In practice it is more useful and has more flexibility, because the constitution can adapt a developing social system less difficultly than other countries.

     The main features of the British constitution 1. It is evolutionary. : It has developed over a long period of time. 2. It is flexible. : Changes can be affected by simple Acts of Parliament or by changing so-called conventions.

     3. It is unitary. : Sovereignty is in the hands of a single source. Only the parliament can make and pass laws for the whole country. The sources of the Constitution The main sources are: Act of Parliament, common law, works of authority, conventions Act of Parliament: - Written laws established by parliament. - It is also one of the most important part of the constitution.

     Common law: - Law made by the decisions of the courts in specific cases. Works of authority: - These are authoritative books and experts. Some authoritative writers have a significant impact on constitutional matters. Conventions: - Informal rules (unwritten) used in practice and adapt to changing circumstances.


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