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History of human rights in austria - human rights in danger

In 1848, the first establishment of the basic rights was written down. The basic law from the 21 of December, 1867 about the general rights of the citizens contains the main part of the basic rights and is still valid. This declaration was improved through the following acts:

. law about protecting the house law
. treaty of Saint Germain (1918)

. treaty of Vienna (1955)
. European treaty about the protection of human rights and basic freedoms (1958)

Human Rights in Danger
Everybody knows about the violation against the human rights in the not "non-civilised" countriesm, like South Africa with their apartheid political system and Latin America, where people are tortured every day. Also in Europe we must see that human rights are in danger. Since 1990, there has been a bloody war in Yugoslavia, where the human rights were abused. Western organisations and nations were not able to stop that war for years. The Western European countries have no clean human-rights record. They did not want to have the refugees in their countries, so they sent them back their home countries where they are persecuted. Also some minorities are not treated equally in the Western countries (like the gypsies in most European countries).
Another force against human rights developed in the last few years, the economical interests. Western firms only work for more profit, without regard for human needs and rights.


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